~ 18 ~

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~ Millions ~

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~ Millions ~


18 years of waiting hadn't gone waste under my watch. No.

I had convinced my papa to let me work, so that I didn't rely on them once I turned 18, the deal was that I would get my own food, water, and clothes after I was legally an adult.

But the day I turned an adult, I was whisked away to a ball which brought me to one hell of a man.

It took months, months of begging since I was 13, until when I turned 14, he finally agreed. He told me, at least some worthless piece of trash wouldn't have to rely on him again.

But under conditions, of course. I had a guard monitoring me at all times, escorting me to and from the restaurant and cafe, and making sure I didn't tell them about my.. situation.

But in total, after working my butt off for years, I'd made enough for at least a year of independence. That was my plan, originally. That I would run away the day I turned 18, I had a plan for that night, but I'd been taken to a ball and wedded off a few weeks later.

Looks like my plan only set out later.

I was now standing in front of the airport, one small suitcase in my hand and my wallet with a few bills.

The rest was in my account, but I'd transferred all of it anonymously and made sure Chase wouldn't find out. I'd changed my phone and number, in case Chase could track it, and set out in a taxi, giving them the name 'Laura'.

I think I'll stick to that.

Of course, I had a passport though. How else did I travel to Mexico that one time when my father had a business trip and couldn't leave me alone?

And where were they? In Chase's study. Of course, they were.

Now I just need to buy a ticket for the next flight to London.

"H-Hi?" I ask the person at the counter.

"Hello dear, how can I help you?" She smiles at me.

"A-A tic-ticket to L-L-London, please.." Years of being away from society have not helped me at all, now I just think of everything wrong that could happen as I talk.

"Of course, I'll just need your-" And she goes on to a list which I follow, passing her my passport and everything as she asked.

"Ok, here is your ticket, the flight leaves in 3 hours." She smiles, handing me the ticket.

This was it.
We were going to leave.


But did I really want to?

I walk through the endless maze, finding my way to my terminal and sitting down, exhausted after the extensive security checks.

I pull out my new phone, glancing at the time; 5:15 am.

It had been maybe 5 hours since I left the house. I had maybe another 30 minutes until I boarded.

30 minutes left to survive.

I sat down, opening my phone. I should probably not have social media for a while, or ever, in case the Italian or Spanish mafia could track it.

Me estoy volviendo loca.. {I'm going crazy}

The fact that I haven't talked to Chase itself has me weirded out and left me feeling alone. I hated to admit it but.. he was sort of my comfort person, he was my support. Without him.. I feel empty. Everytime I closed my eyes, I'd see him, imagine myself holding him, being with him. But all I could do was watch the sunrise. Because I had lost my penguin. Chase era mi pinguino.. {Chase was my penguin}

I needed to talk to someone, I was feeling so alone. I have no one. I needed someone to talk to, before my mind started becoming weird. I don't know what happens, but, sometimes I would just not be able to think anything except that people are judging me. I couldn't help it, I couldn't stop it, if I didn't distract myself; I'd die internally.

I push myself out of my seat, forcing myself to go to the bathroom before the flight. I take my suitcase with me as I enter the bathroom. I walk over to the sinks and turn on the tap. I let the water warm up before I allow my hands to rest under them, rubbing them every so often as the frustration slowly took over. I see memories of me and Chase flash through my eyes, a tear leaving me at the same time. I pressed on the soap, repeatedly until my hands were overflowing. I scrub it hard as I let the water run over it. Dirt. I didn't like it. It annoyed me.

I slowly calm down and pull my slightly red hands out of the water, turning off the tap before wiping the tears off my face with my wet hands. I quickly take 2 tissues and wipe my hands, then my cheeks before disposing them into the bin nearby.

I step outside, my suitcase in one hand, my other one pulling down my sleeve.

"We are now boarding for economy class, I repeat; we are now boarding economy class." The woman at the speaker says.

I walk over to them, pulling out my passport and ticket as I get into the line and wait for boarding.

I lied.
I lied when I said I didn't have much money.

I had millions. But those millions, they weren't exactly mine.




What do we think?

Also, I'm watching The Vampire Diaries!! It's so fucking hooking!

But I need to sleep after I publish this so I need to stop watching it for today.

I feel like I need to study more, my mum thinks I don't enough.

I had a spa day with her today; we waxed, had pedicures, did face masks and cleaned our faces!! That was so much fun!!

But then my day kinda flopped.

Scorpius (the constellation) is in the sky! So is Leo, Virgo, Libra and Sagittarius, for me. I am an Aquarius and mine is going to be visible soon (I think).

I think Scorpius is my favourite right now out of all of them in the sky.

It's also really windy all of a sudden.

Ok I'm going to try shifting again as usual now!!

Fun fact, I watched The Flash yesterday (SO GOOD) and I smelt cologne all of a sudden, I was thinking of shifting to Mattheo then but like still- coincidence or not???

Ok that's all!

Vote, comment and follow me!


Ava! <3

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