Returning with a glass of water, Jungkook handed it to Hye-joon, who accepted it without a word.

Then Hye-joon went to her room to rest.

At night.......

As the hands of the clock neared 9, an air of unease settled in the house. Taehyung still haven't returned home and Jungkook was getting worried. Frantically dialing Taehyung's number, Jungkook's anxiety heightened with every unanswered call,

Restless footsteps echoed in the hallway as Jungkook paced back and forth, each unanswered call added another layer to the mounting worry, and Jungkook's mind raced with fearful scenarios.

Jungkook then decided to go to hye-joon's room, his voice, a mix of urgency and concern, broke the room's silence, "Did Taehyung say where he was going?"

Hye-joon, reclining on her bed, responded with a casual shrug, "Just meeting a friend or something."

The unsettling stillness was abruptly shattered by the shrill ring of Hye-joon's phone. Her eyes widened as she answered the call from the hospital.

The nurse's voice was detached, delivering the shocking news that Dr. Kim (Taehyung) had been involved in a severe accident.

" Hello Doctor Hye-joon, Doctor Kim has been in a severe accident and is currently in the operation room. Please come as soon as possible."

Hye-joon, phone still in hand, struggled to find words. Her voice, when it finally emerged, was shaky and filled with disbelief, "I—I a-am co-oming." She hung up, her gaze fixed on some distant point.

Jungkook, eyes wide with concern, ventured further, "What happened, Hye-joon? Is Taehyung okay?"

Fear and uncertainty painted the atmosphere as Hye-joon struggled to 
Find words to tell Jungkook about Taehyung's condition.

" Hye-joon! Reply to me, what happened?"

Finally after a long silence, Hye-joon managed to tell Jungkook about Taehyung's condition.

Jungkook felt as if his breathing had stopped and within a matter of a few minutes, Taemin, Hye-joon and Jungkook left for the hospital.

At the hospital......

In the sterile, echoing halls of the hospital, Taemin, Jungkook, and Hye-joon moved with heavy hearts toward the surgery room.

Outside the surgery room, the trio came to a standstill. The ominous glow of the "Authorized Personnel Only" sign cast an shadow on their faces.

Hye-joon, her eyes swollen and red, couldn't bare it anymore, a guttural sob escaped her as she crumbled to the floor,

Jungkook, his own tears making their way down the cheeks, knelt beside Hye-joon. His arms enveloped her trembling figure, offering what little solace he could muster.

"It's go-oing to b-be okay, H-Hye-joon. Taehyu-ung is strong; he'll pull thro-ough," Jungkook's voice, shaky and low. His eyes, red-rimmed and tired, mirrored the same fear that lingered within Hye-joon's gaze.

Taemin, stayed silent. He wanted to say something comforting, but the lump in his throat silenced any attempt.

As the seconds ticked by, the surgical door remained sealed. The distant murmur of hospital staff and the rhythmic beeping of machines formed an eerie backdrop to their collective anxiety.

For the first time in years, Hye-joon hugged Jungkook. She kept her hand on his chest, crying her heart out,

Hye-joon's arms wrapped tightly around Jungkook, her body convulsing with each tear-soaked breath.

Jungkook, found himself crumbling under the weight of his daughter's despair. His own tears, long restrained, now mingled with hers.

His hands enveloped Hye-joon's trembling form, fingers gently stroking her hair as if to offer her some comfort.

"I'm h-here, Hye-jo-oon. T-Taehyung is goi-ing to be alright" Jungkook whispered, his voice barely audible over the residual hum of hospital machinery.

After three agonizing hours, the surgical team emerged with a mix of weariness and relief on their faces. The lead surgeon approached Jungkook and the rest,

"Mr. Jungkook, I'm pleased to inform you that the surgery was successful." the surgeon conveyed,

Hye-joon, who had been clinging to the edge of her emotions, couldn't contain her tears. "Can we see him? Is he okay?" she asked, her voice trembling.

The surgeon nodded, "He's currently in the Intensive Care Unit for close monitoring. Given the nature of the procedure, we'll keep him there for the next 48 hours before shifting him to a regular room."

Taemin, overwhelmed with emotions, managed to express his gratitude, "Th-hank you, do-octor. C-Can we at lea-ast see him from a distance?"

Understanding the family's concern, the surgeon guided them toward the ICU waiting area. Through the glass walls, they could see Taehyung, connected to various machines, but seemingly at peace in the sterile, monitored environment.

As they stood there silently observing, another doctor approached. "I understand this is an incredibly stressful time. We've done our best, and now it's a matter of giving him time to recover. Please, feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns."

The family nodded appreciatively, Taemin, who had been mostly quiet throughout, whispered, "He'll be okay, right?"

The doctor, replied, "We'll be monitoring him closely. The next 48 hours are crucial, but everything looks promising. Stay strong for him."

Hye-joon, still wiping away tears, mumbled a sincere, "Th-hank you, doct-tor,"

The surgeon smiled and patted her shoulder, " It was our duty."

Then soon a nurse approached Jungkook, " Mr. Jungkook you have to come with me for some paperwork."

As Jungkook nodded and went with the doctors for the paperwork, suddenly felt dizzy and grabbed onto the nearest doctor for support.

The doctor quickly assisted him, guiding him to sit down and offering water to help alleviate the sudden dizziness.

" Ahh I forgot to take the medicines today." Jungkook thought in his mind as he accepted the glass of water which was offered by the doctor.


So that was all for today's chapter, I hope you enjoyed reading it.

What are your views on it ?

What do you think about Mina ?



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