Luke x Reader

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a/n: AU where Luke never betrays camp

I slashed at the training dummy effortlessly. Sword fighting had always come naturally to me. However, I pretended to be bad at it around campers, so I still would have sword fighting lessons with Luke. 

I heard someone clapping, and I whirled around. 

"Hi Luke," I greeted nervously.

"I don't think you need lessons anymore," he said. 

"I still have things to learn," I protested. 

He raised his eyebrow at me. 

He raised his sword and faced me. I brought my sword up against his. I didn't give everything I had, Luke disarming me a few seconds in. 

"You've always been holding back, haven't you?" he chuckled. "You like hanging out with me that much?" 


My cheeks tinted red. 

"You should have just told me, n/n. You don't need an excuse to hang out with me."

"You like my company?" I asked. 

He picked up my sword and handed it to me. 

"Yes," he smiled softly. "Now, give me all you got." 

I didn't hold back this time. The fight was fast-paced. I'd slash. He'd block. He'd slash. I'd block. Until he made a slight mistake and I seized the opportunity to disarm him. 

He chuckled. "You're good."

I grinned and lowered my sword, placing it back in its holder.  

He picked up his sword and did the same. 

"What do you want to do?" he asked. 


"You want to hang out with me, no?" 

"Yeah. Yeah. I don't have anything planned."

"So you just expected to always have me teaching you how to sword fight?" 

"No, but..." I smiled nervously. 


"I don't think you'd like to." 

"Wanna bet?" 

"A date..." I mumbled. 

"What?" he hadn't heard me. 

"A date," I repeated, louder this time. 

"Okay," he shrugged. 

I was shocked by his reply.


He grabbed my waist and brought me close to him. 

"Sure," he whispered. 

I could feel his breath. I looked down at his lips. The dark-haired boy smirked. My heart skipped a beat. 

My eyes darted between his and his lips. I tried to pull away, but he only brought me closer to him. 

"Nervous, huh?" Luke teased. 


"No need to be nervous, doll. I want this as much as you do."

My eyes widened. He chuckled. I stammered. He connected our lips to stop the stammering, pulling away quickly. 

"I mean it, no need to be nervous," he repeated. 

I smiled. I pressed my lips against his. His body leaned into mine. His hand squeezed my waist while his other hand cupped my cheek. My heart was beating furiously and so was his. I pressed harder against his lips. 

a/n: What was in the book that wasn't in the series you wished you saw? 

I wanted the poodle for a reason and was sad that they didn't have that scene. I also wished there was the scorpion at the end. 

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