Percy x Reader

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Clarisse stepped up to me in a dress. A dress?

"So look since we both know you are a better fighter than me but you let me fight instead, could you please fight Jackson for me?" Clarisse asked.

I squinted, did Clarisse just say that? This is probably just a dream.

"But you love fighting him" I stated, not that I didn't want to fight him.

Clarisse reddened, hesitating before speaking up. Definitely not real.

"I have a— date?"

My eyes widened in shock. I pinched myself just to double check this was real.

"You— a date?" I chuckled. She shot me a death stare.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry," I raised my hands in defeat. "Who's the lucky person," I managed to say without laughing. They would need luck.

"Selena," she bit her lip.

"Good luck," I giggled.

"Thanks," she walked off slowly as if scared of the date.

"Not to you, to Selena," I howled after her.

She flipped me off and left.

"I didn't agree to fight Ar— Whatever," I grumbled.

I headed to the arena, aware I was probably fighting over something.

When Percy spotted me, he smirked. I rolled my eyes.

"What's my favourite kid of Ares doing here?" he teased, grabbing me by the shoulder. His touch sent shivers down my spine.

"I'm filling in for Clarisse, Ariel," I scoffed, glaring at his arms from the strangeness of the feeling it gave me.

"Be prepared to be destroyed, Merida," he sneered, pulling away his arm to take out Riptide.

He quickly struck his sword at me and I brought out my sword, just in time to parry him. Percy looked impressed.

"What are we fighting over?" I asked, between dodges and parries.

"Horse stable cleaning duties," he smirked as my sword flew out of my hand.

He put the sword up to my chest. I raised my hands in defeat.

"I won," he smirked and I gritted my teeth.

"That was just a warm-up round, how about we up the stakes?" I challenged him.

I picked up my sword, hoping he said yes. He seemed to be thinking over, and I wondered what was going on in his head as he reddened and finally lit up.

"Fine, Ares cabin gets cleaning stables duties and I get a kiss. From you," he replied cockily, putting his hand through his golden hair.

I was baffled. What in the name of Tartarus? I look down at my feet as my face reddened.

"What like a kiss on the mouth," I blurted out.

"No, you have to kiss my sword," he deadpanned. "Obviously, a kiss on the mouth."

"What but—"

He attacked me before I had the time to finish my sentence or tell him what I wanted. He was so sure he was going to win, and I lost my sword in a few seconds. He was about to raise his sword to my chest when I pulled out my dagger and sent his sword flying.

"That's cheating," he exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air.

"We never set the rules, Ariel," I chuckled. "What's it feel like to lose?"

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