Nico x Reader AU Part 2

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I slowly opened my eyes. Was I dead? It had felt like sleeping beauty's sleep. I was in a vast and expensive bedroom. This is the afterlife? A large window was letting the light in and I opened it. I gasped at the vast garden that stretched endlessly. 

"Beautiful isn't it," a voice said, startling me.

I turned around and gasped. I took a step back, wanting to get the furthest away from the vampire. Suddenly, I was in the garden kilometres away from the balcony. He appeared next to me.

"Sorry to have scared you, darling," he said softly like I was a fragile bird that had just hatched. 

He grabbed my arm and I quickly twisted his arm. He pulled back and laughed. 

"You'll get used to it. Your new life," he said casually. 

That's when I realised

"You turned me," I shouted, tears threatening to spill. "YOU turned me into a MONSTER. I can't be a vampire. You should have killed me. You-" 

I furiously turned away. I didn't want to appear weak with my stupid tears. 


It had been months. I had tried to kill myself numerous times. I was ignoring Nico and his servant had filled me in on every detail. What troubled me was why he hadn't chosen a girl that would have easily submitted herself to him. Why had he chosen me? I did everything in my power to annoy him without having to interact with him. I even pushed him down the stairs, but, to no avail, he wouldn't change his mind about making me his wife. Today was my first day of freedom. I had planned to go see Leo. I needed his help and advice. He was the one that had gotten me into this mess. I needed a way out. 


At first, he was surprised and he scoffed, not believing this. 

"Leo," I called out from an abandoned alleyway. 

He took a step into the alley. 

"I'm a vampire," I stated

He sniffed my odour.

"Man, never make me think you're dead again" 

He ran to me and grabbed me in a bone-crushing hug.

"Look, I need your help. I need to kill myself."

"Are you crazy? You're a vampire, that's so cool. Now we can race and do stupid stuff together."

"I don't think so. I have to marry a vampire."

"Yeah, you're really lucky"

"What? What do you mean by that?"

"You're going to marry Nico, the prince of vampires. He's the future king to be."

And I thought Nico's servant had filled me in on everything.

"Good to see you, Leo!" I called out, running off to confront Nico. 

I made it back to the mansion and made my way to Nico's bedroom. I knocked. 

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