Jason X Reader

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 Jason had told me that he was busy so I had spent most of my day watching f/s. I was finally watching the kiss when somebody decided to interrupt me by knocking on the door.

"The door's open," I screamed out and stretched myself.

Nico came through.

"Just to tell you Jason has planned something. Be ready in thirty minutes."


Nico didn't answer the question and just walked away.

I groaned. I grabbed my favourite dress and paired it with combat boots. I put on a slight touch of makeup and styled my hair. I didn't have a clue what was awaiting me. Maybe Nico was just playing a prank on me. Nico greeted me outside. 

Great we're shadow travelling

 Nico asked me to close my eyes and we were whisked away. 

"Keep your eyes closed," I heard Jason say. He slipped something in my hair.

"Can I open my eyes now" 

"Wait two seconds"

I listened to Jason fumbling around.

"You can open your eyes now"

A romantic dinner was set up with rose bouquets. Greenery surrounded us. We were up on a cliff. The view was breathtaking. I thought about all the ways I could fall off the cliff, and I shuddered. I was scared of heights and I hadn't told Jason because I had never brought up the topic. I mean how do you tell your boyfriend that can fly that you're afraid of heights? 

"It's beautiful," 

"Me or the view," Jason teased.

"Uh-uh, the view," I mumbled, my cheeks turning red. Leo had rubbed off on Jason. 

He gestured for me to sit. Storm spirits arrived with f/f plates laid out. 

"How long did it take to make this" 

"I ordered," he looked down. I inwardly cringed. 

Stupid, Y/n 

"I meant to lay out the plates" I quickly caught my slip 

"About an hour," he scratched the back of his neck. 

"Thank you"

We ate everything, he then led me to the view. I focused on what was straight in front 

"I need to get something "

" Sure"

He went back towards the table and I looked back at the view. It was amazing but I just couldn't stop myself from looking down. A fall that high would definitely kill me. I took a step back.

" Y/n, watch out!"

A huge birdlike figure pushed me over the edge. I was falling Gwen Stacey style waiting for my Spider-Man to save me. In this case, superman.

I saw the monster evaporate in gold dust.

I could hardly hear myself screaming over the loud whistling of the wind near my ears. Jason jumped off the edge after me. I closed my eyes hoping it would scare me less but it only made everything scarier. I reopened my eyes, praying Jason was going to catch me. When his arm finally wrapped around me, I pulled him tight.

"You're okay, you're okay" he reassured me.

He willed the air to bring us higher and I held him tighter.

"Can't we just go back down "

"Sure," he sounded disappointed. He must have had something planned for us.

" Actually, we can go back up if you want. I'm just " should I tell him? Would he break up with me when he discovered? Would he laugh at me?

"You're just what ?"

"Scared of heights, " I whispered.

"N/n, you should have told me earlier" 

I buried my head in his chest.

"Hey, it's fine. It doesn't change my opinion of you. It's actually kind of cute." 

I let out a sigh of relief. Before I knew it, I was falling again. 

"Help," I screamed at the top of my lungs.

I started flapping my arms like a bird, hoping I would miraculously start flying. It didn't work, I was still falling. I looked up, my eyes searching for Jason. A hand grabbed me and I threw my arms around Jason's neck. 

"You okay?" he asked softly.

"I'm fine-fine" I took in a shaky breath. He kissed my forehead and my grip tightened. 

"How about one freefall equals a kiss and a hug," the words flew out of my mouth before I realised. 

His eyes widened. 

"What for?"

"So I can get over my fear of heights"

"Are you crazy?" 

"Yeah, probably," I admitted.

"You sure?"

I gulped and nodded my head. He looked at me, analysing any sign that I wasn't okay with this. 

I was not okay with this. 

"Let me go before I regret this" 

Suddenly I was falling again. I was calmer this time. Jason was going to catch me, right?

Stop doubting him, I mentally scolded myself.

His hands wrapped around me once more. I stared into his electric blue eyes. 

"Thanks," I whispered. 

I kissed him on the corner of the mouth.

"You missed," he pouted.

"You've been spending way too much time with Leo" 

"Stop being mean" 

He let go of me and I let out a yelp. 


I look down and I had already hit the ground. He laughed and I playfully glared at him.

"You HAVE been spending too much time with Leo." 

A/n: What's ur favourite friendship dynamic in Riordanverse?

Me either Magnus and Samirah or Grover and Percy 

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