Chapter Nineteen: Namjoon

Start from the beginning

"I am surprised that you're going on this hike," Jungkook says to Chae-rin after we make it to the trail. "You hate hiking. Right?"

"I do," she pouts. "But someone is forcing me to go." She throws a glare at me and Jungkook laughs as do I.

"You'll be fine," I tell her. "Just watch where you're going and don't fall."

"I'm not going to fall. I'm not the clumsy one. You are," she teases, sticking her tongue out. "I am multi-coordinated."

I roll my eyes, shaking my head. "Just keep your eyes ahead."

After a mile hike, Chae-rin has fallen way behind. I stay behind with her, pushing her up the trail. She is complaining the whole time, asking to go back. The elevation is killing her she says. I laugh and keep pushing her forward.

"I can't do this anymore," she whines. "My legs are so sore! They're tired!"

"We've only done one mile," I reply, amused. "The view is going to be worth it. Besides, I didn't spread your legs that wide." I laugh, throwing my head back.

Her mouth gapes open at my comment, stopping her in her tracks. When I reach her, she slaps my arm. "Can you shut up? What if someone heard?!"

"Well, then they know that we fucked in the tent," I shrug. I know no one can hear. Everyone is way ahead of us. She literally is the last person. "Come on, let's go." I reach for her hand.

"I hate hiking," she repeats for the one hundredth time today.

"Well, I hate watching scary movies but I watch them anyway because you like them. So, you should do this for me. I like hiking."

She rolls her eyes and sighs. "Fine!" She huffs, taking bigger steps.

Eventually, around mile two, we do catch up with the rest of the group. Jungkook is taking pictures of the view and he turns to Chae-rin and myself. "Say cheese!" I smile, wrapping my arms around her shoulder. He takes the photo and then looks at his camera, laughing. "Chae-rin, you're not even smiling."

He shows us the photo and I laugh too. Her brows are furrowed together, a small frown adorning her face. She's pouting in the photo but she looks cute in it. "Chae-rin, it's not-"

"Ae-ra! Are you okay?" Soo-young's voice cuts me off and my head snaps up.

Ae-ra is on the ground, her hand grasping her leg. Immediately, I run over and crouch beside her. Her eyes go wide and I assess her leg. "Are you okay? What happened?"

"Oh, uh, I just tripped over that stupid root... I'm okay, Joonie. Really." She gives me a small smile and stands up as I do, except she winces and loses her balance. I catch her quickly and she gasps as my arms wrap around her waist.

"You're not okay," I tell her.

"What happened?" Jin comes over after Soo-young grabs him. "Ae-ra, are you okay?"

"No, she's not," I answer. "I think she sprained her ankle."

Jungkook jogs over when Jin calls him over. "Can you check her ankle? You're an almost doctor, right? And a physical therapist at that."

"Yeah," Jungkook nods. His fingers barely touch Ae-ra's ankle and she's wincing again. "Oh, yeah... You definitely need to go back to the camp," he tells her.

"Yeah, okay..."

"Jin, let's take her-" Soo-young begins.

"I'll take her back," I cut her off. "Come one, Ae-ra." I get on my knees so she can get on my back.

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