In the kitchen, Taemin was making lunch, he glanced at the clock, realizing the pressure of time. "Eomma is really testing my patience with this sudden change." he muttered to himself.

In Jungkook's room.....

In his room, Jungkook sighed heavily as he settled onto the bed, He gently placed the bag aside which had his medicines, "Good job, Jungkook," he whispered to himself,

Jungkook then opened the cupboard. He opened his drawer and placed the medications inside and locked the drawer.

Pacing around the room, Jungkook found solace in the familiar surroundings. He ran his fingers over the edge of a framed family photo on the bedside table, a bittersweet smile playing on his lips. "They won't understand, not yet," he muttered to himself.

Jungkook then turned his attention to a small mirror on the dresser. Staring at his reflection, he addressed himself, "This change is necessary. It's for their own good, but was I too harsh on them?"

He walked over to the window, the soft glow of the afternoon sun casting a warm hue across the room. Jungkook took a deep breath,

He whispered, "You're doing this for them, and you're strong enough to see it through."

After a few minutes......

Taemin's scream pierced through the air as he accidentally cut his finger while chopping vegetables. The loud cry prompted Jungkook, who was on the brink of sleep, to jolt awake and rush into the kitchen. Taehyung and Hye-joon also rushed towards the kitchen.

"What happened, baby? Let Appa see," he said, gently taking Taemin's hand.

Jungkook, however, sighed at the sight and pushed Taehyung aside gently. "You can't even chop vegetables correctly," he remarked, his tone a mix of frustration and genuine concern.

Ignoring Taehyung's words, Jungkook turned to Hye-joon and said, "Bring the medical box." Hye-joon hurriedly fetched the box, returning to Jungkook's side.

As Jungkook cleaned the wound and applied medicine, Taemin winced and hissed in pain. Taehyung, unable to bear his son's discomfort, chimed in, "Jungkook, can't you do it more slowly? He's in pain."

Jungkook, focused on the task at hand, retorted, "Why don't you do it then? Besides, you're a doctor, not me."

Taehyung, attempting to diffuse the situation, sighed and said, "Do you have to fight even in such a small thing?"

Jungkook, finishing the bandaging, glanced at Taehyung, "I'm just doing what needs to be done. If you want to take over, feel free." He handed the medical supplies back to Hye-joon and added, "For today, I'll take care of lunch."

Taehyung, momentarily taken aback, mumbled, "Fine, do what you want,"

After finishing the bandaging, Jungkook, turned to Taemin, "Be more careful next time. I can't always be here to fix your mistakes." Taemin nodded slowly.

Then everyone except Jungkook left the kitchen.

While engrossed in cutting vegetables, Jungkook found himself caught in a vivid flashback – a moment frozen in time from 26 years ago when Taemin and Hye-joon weren't born.

In this fragment of the past, Jungkook's hands moved with the same precision, the knife gliding through the vegetables until,

He hissed in pain as the knife nicked his finger, drawing a drop of blood. It was then that Taehyung, came rushing to his side.

"I'm okay, Tae, just a little cut," Jungkook reassured, a soft smile on his lips.

Taehyung, however was quite worried, "How can you say it's a small cut? So much blood is coming out," he exclaimed, genuine concern etched on his face.

Leading Jungkook to the living room, Taehyung carefully cradled his hand, his touch gentle. Jungkook's eyes reflected love as he watched Taehyung diligently tend to his wounded finger.

Taehyung applied the antiseptic with a feather-light touch,"Be careful," he said, his voice a comforting melody.

With a tender smile, Taehyung sealed the treatment with a kiss to Jungkook's finger. Their eyes locked, and in that shared gaze, an unspoken understanding flourished.

Jungkook, wrapped his arms around Taehyung's neck.

"Why be careful when I have you," he reiterated, his voice a soft murmur.

Taehyung, holding Jungkook's waist, embraced him in return. "That's true," he whispered, nuzzling his face into Jungkook's neck,

The flashback dissipated like morning mist, leaving Jungkook standing in his kitchen, his eyes, now watery.

Blinking away the moisture, he continued cutting vegetables, the bittersweet memory lingering in the kitchen air.

" What happened to us?" He mumbled to himself.


So that was all for today's chapter, I hope you enjoyed reading it.

What are your views on it ?

Soo are you guys enjoying this new side of jungkook ?



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