Come Back to Me (Alastor x Injured! Reader) Part 2

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"Stay with me, darling."
"(Y/N) NO! Come back to me!"
"Please. . . .come back to me, darling. . ."

That played in his mind over and over again like a broken record. He was terrified. He was always the one to keep a smile on his face no matter what he was going through. But since that day. . .he couldn't smile at all. He missed your beautiful eyes, your soft and genuine smile, your adorable laugh, and your affection towards him.

3 weeks had passed since the extermination. You rested in Alastor's room in a deep coma yet to wake up. It was eating Alastor alive that you still haven't woken up and it only made him a lot more snippy towards the others. Especially towards Angel, he blamed him for the state you were in. He'd glare at him and threaten him with his eyes anytime he was near him or if he tried to wonder off to sit with you.

This lead to Angel not being at the hotel during the day, coming back late at night. Alastor didn't sleep when night came around. The nightmare haunted him and he was locked in to relive it. So he laid next to you watched you all night, hoping to see your eyes flutter open. Most nights he'd hold you close and cry, missing you more than anything in Hell.

Even though he blamed Angel for this, he also blamed himself. He should've went with you, just to protect you if anything were to happen. Living in Hell without you was miserable for him. Regardless of his emotions, he still kept a smile on his face during the day.

Angel was coming back from another filming shoot and heading upstairs. Alastor took notice of him rather quickly.

"And where you are going, Angel?" He asked.

"To my room?" He replied with a cocked eyebrow, "jeez can I crash in my bed after a long day?"

Alastor chuckled, "your long day is no match for my miserable 3 weeks."

"Look Al, I'm sorry for what happened to (y/n)!" He said, "God, it's miserable enough that I have to live with it and you reminding me about it all the time. Hell, you won't even let me go see her!"

Alastor teleported in Angel's face, "you know just as well as I do that (y/n)'s always been the one to buck up for a fight regardless of her fear and fighting experience. She knew she couldn't take that exorcist on alone for long! And you just left her there to fend for herself!"

"She was just trying to buy me some time and protect me!"

Alastor held his staff tightly and sighed, ". . .she has a big heart and is the most selfless girl I know. That's why I worry as much as I do for her. I never know what trouble will come her way without thinking of saving herself."

"It's just who she is, Al." Angel said, "she's a little deer who thinks she can take on the hunter. I understand why you worry for her safety."

"I love her more than anything in Hell." He softly smiled, "I'd do anything for her."

"I know you do, Smiles." He placed an arm on his shoulder, "and you know that I wouldn't do anything that would hurt her."

Alastor sighed again, "if you wish to see her, then you may."

Angel's eyes widened, "wait, really???"

"Yes, don't make me change my mind."

Angel smiled as he hurried up the stairs to your room. He took a deep breath and walked in, seeing you in your deep sleep. He sat next to you, tears filling his eyes.

"(Y/n). . ." He caressed your cheek, "I-I should've stayed with you. We could've fought that bitch together and you wouldn't have been on the edge of death. Alastor wouldn't be a mess and wanting to kill me. He misses you, (y/n). We all do. Come back to us. . .come back to Alastor."

He held you hand tightly, tears breaking from his eyes like a dam, ". . .please."

He sat there, holding your hand and holding his head in his other hands as he cried. The guilt closing in as your absence truly got to him. Suddenly, your hand slipped out of his. He looked up with his face drenched with tears. You're eyes fluttered open and he gasped.

You looked at him with a soft smile, "you're not crying over me are you?"

"(Y/N)!" Angel hugged your tightly, "you're back! You came back to us!"

"Don't I always?" You giggled squeezing him tightly.

He released you from the hug, grabbing his hair, "holy shit Alastor needs to know! He's been so-"

"I know." You chuckled, pushing the covers off of your body.

You stood up but not for long. Angel caught you before falling down.

"(Y/n), careful!" He said, "your legs are like jelly right now. Here lemme carry you."

"Wouldn't they remain jelly if I didn't use them?" You chuckled.

He held your hand as you both walked out of the room. Once he knew you balance was steady, he let go.

"How long have I been out?" You asked.

"Uh." Angel rubbed the back of his neck, "almost a month."

"I'm surprised Alastor hasn't killed you yet." You replied.

"Trust me, I am too." He said, "that man is scary when he's pissed!"

Once you and Angel made it down to the lobby, you saw Alastor sitting on the couch staring at his feet.

You softly smiled, "Alastor."

His ears twitched as he looked up, the look of shock and happiness was written on his face.

He teleported to you and hugged you tightly, "(y/n) darling!"

You ran your fingers through his hair and gently rubbed his ears, "I'm here, don't worry."

~Night Time~

You changed into your pajamas and noticed your boyfriend just in a world of his own as he sat on the bed.

"Alastor?" You stood in front of him, holding his head up with your hands, "what's wrong?"

His ears flattened and tears fell from his eyes, "I've missed you so much."

You sat in his lap and wrapped your arms around his neck in an embrace, "Oh, Al."

He squeezed you tightly, breaking down into soft sobs, "I was so scared. . .I thought I had lost you forever. It's been so miserable without you by my side."

"Handsome, I'm here." You assured him, "I'm not going anywhere. It's gonna take a lot more than an exorcist angel to kill my stubborn ass."

"I just wanted you to come back to me." He cried.

"And I did." You said, "I'm here."

He rested his forehead against yours, tears still dripping from his eyes, "please don't ever scare me like that again, darling. I can't bear the pain."

You squeezed his hands tightly and kissed his lips, "I promise. I love you with all my heart Alastor."

"I love you more."

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