Come Back to Me (Alastor x Injured! Reader)

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You were getting ready to go out in the city with Angel to help cheer him up after what day Val gave him yesterday. It would only be for a few hours, but you wanted to put a smile on his face. Alastor teleported to your shared room with him in the hotel and watched you as you were finishing your hair/make up.

"Darling?" He spoke, "must you go out in the city today?"

"I just wanna cheer up Angel after the shit he had to deal with yesterday." You answered, "he's really been trying to redeem himself, you know? It'll only be for a few hours."

"I know." He replied, wrapping his arms around your waist from behind you, "I just worry about not being able to protect you is all."

You giggled, "have you seen Angel with guns? He's able to kill a mob." You turned around and held his hands, "I'll be fine. I promise."

He pressed his forehead against yours, frowning. He only frowned when he was truly worried about you.

". . .just please come back to me. . ."

"Oh Alastor." You cupped his his cheeks and kissed his lips, "I always come back, don't worry."

He hugged you tightly, "I just worry about you, (y/n)."

"I know." You smiled, "I'll be okay. If I don't come back, THEN you can go bat shit crazy."

Alastor chuckled, "how did I get so lucky to get a girl you?"

"Let's just say you stole my soul." You smirked.

He smiled at you, "oh you devilish gal."

There was a knock at the door, "(Y/n)! Are you ready?"

"Yeah!" You replied to Angel, giving Alastor a kiss, "I promise to be safe."

With that said, you and Angel left the hotel.

"So, what's first on the agenda for today?" Angel asked.

"I figure we'd go to a bar first." You answered, "drinks are always better with friends."

"You got that right, toots."

"Then we'll go the-"

The 2 of you jumped at the sound of loud sirens.

"The fuck is that?" Angel asked.

You looked at the extermination tower countdown, seeing that it was at zero, ". . .no. They moved it up! Extermination day wasn't supposed to happen for another month!"

"Fuck, fuck, fucking shit!" Angel pointed to the sky, the extermination angels flooding Hell.


Charlie and the others were thinking of other activities for the hotel.

"Oh and this might be a good idea to-"

The sirens flooded the hotel. Charlie's eyes widened.

"No! we had another month why is it today?!"

Alastor tried to rush out the door, "(y/n)'s in danger!"

Husker tackled him down, "Al, you'll get killed if you go out there!"

His demonic form started to emerge from his skin, "𐋅፱𐌔ኡ𐌄ዪ, 𐌋ቹ𐌕 𐌌ቹ ፏꝊ!"

"Not until the extermination's done! Right now Hell is flooded with those fuckers!"

"𐌁፱𐌕 (ሃ/ክ) 𐌉ነ-"

"Safe with Angel!" Vaggie yelled, "Angel's with her so she's not alone!"

You and Angel were trying to get back to the hotel, running through dark alleys so you wouldn't be seen. You both stopped in the shadows to take a breath.

Alastor x Female Oneshots(REQUEST OPEN)Where stories live. Discover now