Our Little Fawn (Alastor x Pregnant! Reader) Pt 2

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NOTE: This is Part 2 of "I'm Sorry (Alastor x Kidnapped! Pregnant! Reader)" as requested by many of you. If you have not read that chapter, please read it before continuing to this one.

You and Alastor were cuddling in bed before Alastor had to get up for work. He always snoozed his alarm for 10 minutes to cuddle you in the morning. He held you tightly against him, kissing your head. His warmth calmed you and made you feel safe. His snooze alarm went off.

He groaned, squeezing you tightly and kissing your head, "it's time for me to go to work, darling."

"No." You whined tiredly, "take the day off."

He chuckled, "if only it were that easy, my dear."

He kissed you passionately on the lips, "I will be home by 5. I love you, darling."

"I love you too, Al." You smiled.

He got ready and left the hotel as you continued to lay in bed. Suddenly, you felt a nauseating feeling and extreme dizziness. You jumped out of bed and ran to the toilet, vomiting intensely.

You coughed, ". . .shit."

You took out your phone and texted Angel.

Y: Angel, can you bring me the First Aid Kit?

A: Why??? Are you dying???

Y: I feel like I am. just puked my guts out and need to check my temp

A: Otw

You placed your phone on the counter and started puking again. Angel had walked in with the First Aid Kit and held your hair back.

"You're okay, (y/n)." He spoke as he rubbed your back, "let it out. There ya go."

You panted heavily as you wiped your mouth with a washcloth. Angel turned on the thermometer and placed it in your mouth, holding it for you. The both of you waited patiently in silence for the beep. Once it started beeping, Angel took it out of your mouth and read it.

"Your temp is normal." He spoke, "98.7."

"How?" You questioned, "I just about died a few minutes ago."

"Well." He replied, "could there be a slight chance that you're. . . . .pregnant?"

"No. . .that couldn't be." You answered, "it's a been a year since-"

"Have you and Smiles had sex recently, toots?" Angel asked.

You paused to think, "3 weeks ago. . . . .we were in the heat of the moment. But that couldn't-"

"It could, babes." Angel said, "you need to make sure. Do you have any extra tests anywhere?"

"Under the sink."

Angel waited outside of the bathroom, waiting for you to be done taking the test. It had been a few minutes. You opened the door and he rushed to you.


"It-it's positive." Tears welded up in your eyes, "they both are."

Angel frowned, knowing that the tears you were shedding were not tears of joy.

You looked up at him as your tears burst from your eyes, "what if I lose this one too?"

He embraced you in a hug, "you won't. We'll keep you safe, especially Alastor. Remember, what happened what never your fault."

You sighed, "you're right."

"Come on, I'll take you to find a way to surprise Smiles with the news when he gets home." Angel smiled.

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