I'm sorry (Alastor x Kidnapped! Pregnant! Reader)

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WARNING: Mentions of miscarriage 

You were the Radio Demon's wife. You weren't an Overlord like him but you most certainly were a tough cookie. Even if you couldn't get out of the situation yourself, you didn't cry for help for anyone. But of course your husband always saved the day with help of his shadow figure keeping a close eye on you. Today Alastor was at his office while you were with the others at the hotel.

You left your room and took the elevator down to the lobby.

"Hey guys I'm gonna visit Al at his office." You told them.

"Do you want one of us to go with you?" Charlie asked, "the city can be dangerous when walking alone."

"I'll be fine, Charlie." You smiled, "it's only down a few blocks."

"Just let us know when you get there, okay?" Vaggie spoke.

"Of course." You smiled.

You left the hotel and began your short journey to Alastor's radio station. Within a split second about a block from Alastor's office, you were shoved into a dark alley. Catching yourself with the brick wall, you glared at 3 disgusting demons who smirked at you: a panther, a tiger, and a wolf.

"Look boys, we got the Radio Demon's wife." The tiger demon in the middle, who supposedly was the leader, smirked eyeing you up and down.

"Stay the hell away from me." You snarled, "or my husband will-"

The panther kicked you in the stomach, causing you to fall to your knees and scream in pain, "he won't save you this time."

You slowly stood up, holding your stomach with your left hand. The panther kicked you to the ground again.

"Stop!" You cried.

The other 2 demons restrained your arms and held you up, making you stare at the panther.

He chuckled with a smirk, "we'll have so much fun with you."

"Let me go you fucking-"

He slapped you in the face, instantly knocking you unconscious.

Alastor locked up his office and shoved the key in his pocket. He hummed a tune as he walked the streets of the city back to the hotel. He couldn't wait to see you and give you a sweet kiss on the lips. He yearned for your affection every day after work. He entered the hotel, confused to see everyone running around like chickens without heads.

"Pardon me but what in Hell is going on?" He questioned them.

"Al!" Angel spoke, "did (y/n) make it to your office??"

"Why no, she didn't." He answered with a cocked eyebrow, "why?"

"She left an hour ago to visit you and we haven't heard from her!" Charlie panicked.

Radio static filled the room as his antlers grew and his eyes glowed bright red, "ᎳhᎪᏆ!"

You slowly woke up, instantly feeling pain everywhere in your body. You were tied to a pole in front of the 3 demons.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty." The wolf chuckled, "you're finally awake."

"You all are dead meat once Alastor knows I'm gone." You snarled.

The tiger demon grabbed your neck tightly, lifting your face inches away from his as you gasped for air.

"He will never find you." He spoke, "you're our little torture toy."

He tightened his grip around your neck, chucking at the tears welding up in your eyes. He shoved you as he released you.

"She's all yours boys." He spoke.

Alastor x Female Oneshots(REQUEST OPEN)Where stories live. Discover now