Missing Overcoat (Alastor x Reader)

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Requested byOlivia221895

Alastor was getting dressed in his room of the hotel, getting ready to start work for Charlie. He had finished buttoning up his shirt and now only needed his overcoat. He walked over to his coat hanger in the corner of the room, only to find out. . . .there was no overcoat.

He hummed, "I could've sworn I hung it yesterday."

He looked everywhere in the room; under the bed, in the closet, and in the bathroom. But no overcoat. He sighed as he looked himself over in the mirror.

"I should look fine like this." He spoke.

He walked down the stairs. But before he made it down to the lobby, he heard everyone giggling and laughing. He cocked an eyebrow in confusion, but continued to walk down the stairs. He saw a cloud of smoke and everyone giggling.

"What's so funny?" He asked, "is that laughing gas?"

"No." Charlie wiped a tear, "something (y/n) said."

"What did she say?" He asked.

"Better question is, where's your overcoat, Smiles?" Angel snickered.

Alastor sighed, "I couldn't find it this morning. So I'll have to make do."

Everyone giggled at him.

"What in Hell is so funny?" He asked.

He felt a presence behind him.

"Nobody said anything, Alastor." You stood behind him.

He turned around and his eyes widened in shock, seeing you wearing his overcoat and holding his staff.

"How did you get ahold of my-"

"You aren't the only powerful demon in this hotel." You smirked.

"Darling." He spoke, "give me back my things."

"Finders keepers, losers weepers." You crossed your arms.

Everyone bursts into laughter.

"Except I was the keeper first." He tried to grab you, but you had disappeared.

"Good luck, Al." Husker chuckled, "she's a fast one."

"Oh I'll get her." He smirked, "this is all fair game."

You were walking to your room, opening the door and gasped to see Alastor wearing your favorite outfit.

"What the fuck are you doing?" You asked.

"Oh I that we were barrowing each other's clothes, my dear." He answered, sitting on your bed, "you happen to be wearing my favorite overcoat and I'm happening to be wearing your favorite outfit." He smiled.

"Take that off, you'll ruin it!" You yelled.

"Will I?" He held up his finger and activated a flame to it.

"Don't you fucking dare." You growled.

He chuckled as he slowly moved his flame towards your outfit. You tackled him to the ground and pinned him down.

"Take it off!" You spoke.

"Then give me my things." He chuckled.

You hopped off of him and took off the overcoat, "here. . .now take off that outfit."

He chuckled as he retrieved his coat and staff from your hand, "better."

"Now you give me back my outfit." You glared.

He hummed, "I think I'll hold onto it for awhile."

"Hey that wasn't the dea-"

Alastor smashed his lips into yours, shutting you up instantly. He pulled away from you and chuckled.

"All is fair game, darling." He said before walking away.

"Wait. . .was that part of the game???"

Alastor x Female Oneshots(REQUEST OPEN)Where stories live. Discover now