The Deal (Alastor x Reader) Pt 1

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You were walking home from work after a long day. You still lived with your parents so you could save your money and get a place of your own. Your family was low on money and you were also helping them pay bills. You unlocked the door and walked in to see your parents in the kitchen looking distraught.

You looked at them confused, "what's going on?"

Your parents looked up at you with numb expressions.

"Well, sweetie, you know we've been having trouble bringing in money." Your mother spoke.

"Yeah?" You put your purse down, still confused about why your parents looked as upset as they were, "but I'm bringing in a little."

"Well." Your father sighed, "we didn't meet the deadline for this month's rent."

"How??" You questioned, "I've been working over 12 hours on all of my shifts!"

"It wasn't really a rent payment." Your mother explained, "it was more of a debut payment."

"What debut did we have?" You asked, "how much was the debut??"

"We made a deal with an Overlord to help us with bills when you were in high school. He wanted to debut to be paid a year exactly after you graduated. But we were a few dollars short." Your father explained.

"So why do you both look like you lost something huge? It's only a few dollars." You replied.

They looked at you with tearful eyes. Your eyes widened in shock.

"No. . . ." You whispered, "no, no, no! Tell me you did NOT make a deal that involved me!"

"It was either we pay off the debut in that time period. . .or he took you as payment." Your mother sniffled.

"What parents would make a deal that would literally take their child away!" You screamed, "Why couldn't you make a deal on Dad's gun collection?!"

"He wasn't interested in the collection." Your father spoke, your eyes widening once more, "he was interested in you."

"Why would you make a deal like that!" You screamed in rage, causing your parents to hug each other.

"We thought we could pay the debut in time." Your mother spoke.

"You mean you thought that I could pay the debut in time!" You snarled, "this is unbelievable! Making a deal with a random Overlord that he can just strip your only child into his possession like some kind of bidding!"

"He will be able to give you the life that you deserve." Your father said.

"I would rather keep the life I have now!" You yelled, "where is he even going to take me??"

"He's a powerful evil Overlord in Hell." Your mother answered.

"Hell??" You questioned, "you made a fucking deal with Lucifer HIMSELF?"

"No, his name is Alastor." Your father said, "he is better than Lucifer."

"That doesn't help the fact that he is an evil Overlord in Hell!" You yelled, "oh my god! You basically sold my soul to the devil!"

"We're sorry, sweetie." Your mother cried.

"What the hell are you gonna do when my workplace questions where I am? What about the rest of our family?" You questioned, "you 2 will be rotting in prison for being accused of my disappearance."

"We were going to tell authorities you were kidnapped and killed." They answered.

You chuckled in disbelief, "yeah cuz that's what you basically did. You allowed me to be taken by a demon from Hell!"

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