Chapter 29

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In the soft golden light of the afternoon, Reed made his way across the open field, his fingers brushing the tips of the grass as he walked. He looked out over the expanse of green, his heart heavy with a kind of melancholy he hadn't felt before.

Eventually, he found a spot that called to him, a place where the sunlight pooled just right between the shadowy outlines of tree branches. He settled down on the grass, feeling the delicate tickle of the blades against his skin. He closed his eyes, the world around him fading into a quiet hum.

His solitude was interrupted by the sound of footsteps. He opened his eyes to find Kolby approaching. "See, fresh air is good for you," Kolby said, settling down next to him. His tone was light, a stark contrast to the heaviness that had taken residence within Reed's chest.

"No, it's not. I want to go home," Reed protested quietly, lying back and covering his eyes with his arm. "I want to be with them, Kolby. This day... I'm miserable. I can't celebrate this with the two people I want to."

Kolby sighed, a sound that carried a mix of understanding and frustration. "I get it, man. But you can't be with them right now. This is your future. You love football, right?"

"Yeah, I do. But being here, doing what I love but not being able to celebrate or enjoy it with them... it fucking sucks. And I'll never get them back." His voice was a raw wound, a palpable display of his anguish and longing.

Amidst the laughter and playful banter and congratulations, a bulky teammate with a snide grin decided to drop a bombshell. "Isn't it funny how Matt didn't show up today, Reed?" he sneered, his voice dripping with insinuations. "Did you finally decide to ditch the gay guy? He was ruining your reputation, man. Smart move, cutting him off before the big leagues and all the money, huh? Can't have that kind of drama with cameras all over you. Seems like you're finally growing up, bro."

A deafening silence fell upon the group as his words hung in the air, a poisonous cloud. The jovial atmosphere shattered instantly. Reed, usually so stoic and composed, was on his feet in a heartbeat. His eyes, usually warm and friendly, were icy cold and filled with a rage no one had seen before.

His fist collided with the face of the jeering teammate with a force that left the others stunned. The mocking grin was replaced by a look of shock and pain. "Matt is more of a man than you'll ever be," Reed growled, his voice a chilling mixture of protective fury and undeniable truth. "He's braver than anyone I know, and he's never hidden who he is, not like some people."

His words, filled with conviction and loyalty, echoed in the stunned silence. Reed didn't wait for anyone to recover. He turned on his heel and stalked off towards the bathroom, leaving the group to contend with the aftermath of his explosive defense. The air was heavy with shock and unspoken implications, a stark contrast to the earlier laughter and jesting.

Someone dared to ask Reed, "What's up with you, man?" earning a few muttered agreements from the group. "That's messed up," another one added.

Before the situation escalated further, Kolby stood up, his voice commanding attention. "Guys, back off. Don't make Reed give you another one. This isn't a fight you're going to win," he warned.

His words held them at bay, and Reed turned back around, a taunting smile on his face. "Y'all should listen to Kolby," he said, his voice heavy with the promise of more drama. Meanwhile, Kolby was left amidst the awkward tension.

When Reed returned from cooling down, he found his teammates engaged in a hushed discussion. The air was heavy with unspoken words and unresolved tension. "Someone's been looking for you, Reed," one of them called out, apprehension in his voice.

A flicker of hope kindled in Reed's chest. Could it be Matt and Kenzie? But then he heard his name being called out by familiar voices. His younger siblings were there, their faces glowing with excitement. His mother was there too, exuding warmth and soft understanding.

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