Chapter 17

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When Kenzie and Matt arrive at Matt's parents house, the front door is wide open, inviting them inside. As they step into the house, a burst of laughter reaches their ears, drawing their attention to the living room. Matt's 4-year-old nephew, Benjamin, is running around with unbounded energy, his giggles filling the air.

As soon as Benjamin spots Matt, he squeals with delight and rushes towards him. Matt bends down to hug his nephew, a wide smile lighting up his face. But to everyone's surprise, Benjamin suddenly changes direction and heads straight for Kenzie. The little boy's arms stretch out towards her, a look of pure adoration in his eyes.

Kenzie is taken aback for a moment, her heart melting at the sight of the sweet child. She can't help but laugh at the unexpected gesture, bending down to meet Benjamin's outstretched arms. As she picks him up, he wraps his tiny arms around her tightly, his innocent affection warming her soul.

Matt chuckles at the scene, teasingly remarking, "See, I told you he loves women. He will even skip out on his favorite uncle for a hug from you, Kenzie."

Just as they start to settle into the joyous moment, a woman and a man emerge from the hallway, joining the cheerful gathering. The woman bears a striking resemblance to Matt, with the same eyes and smile, though her figure is more curvaceous. She introduces herself with a laugh, saying, "I'm so sorry, my son loves women. I keep telling him he can't hug and touch people he doesn't know. I swear I tell him, but listening isn't his favorite pastime."

Kenzie reassures her, "No need to apologize at all. It's absolutely adorable how affectionate Benjamin is. Hi, I'm Kenzie. Nice to meet you." She extends her hand, which the woman graciously accepts.

The man, introduced as Kurt, also extends his hand and warmly says, "Hi, Kenzie. It's a pleasure to meet you. We've heard so much about you from Matt."

Kenzie smiles warmly, feeling a sense of belonging in this family gathering. She can't resist reaching out to play with Benjamin's soft hair as she addresses him, "Aren't you just the sweetest little boy, Benjamin?" He nods with a shy grin, his innocent eyes sparkling with happiness.

With laughter and joyful conversation filling the room, Kenzie and Matt's weekend plans have taken an unexpected turn, evolving into a heartwarming and memorable family reunion.

As Kenzie and Matt arrive at Matt's parents' house, they are greeted with open arms and warm smiles. Matt's parents, Mark and Linda, immediately show their affection for their son, giving him tight hugs and playful pats on the back.

Once inside Matt's parents' house, Kenzie and Matt were greeted with open arms and warm smiles. Matt's parents, Mark and Linda, immediately showed their affection for their son, giving him tight hugs and playful pats on the back.

"Hey there, Matt! Look at you, all grown up! We've missed you so much," Mark exclaimed with a beaming smile.

"Dad! Missed you guys too. Can't believe we haven't seen you since the beginning of this semester. That is too long," Matt replied, his voice filled with genuine excitement.

Linda joined in, unable to contain her joy. "Oh, Matt, you know we can't go too long without seeing our favorite son! And this must be Kenzie. It's so nice to finally meet you!"

Kenzie smiled warmly and extended her hand. "Thank you, Linda. It's a pleasure to meet you too. Matt has told me so much about both of you."

Mark couldn't resist injecting a bit of humor into the conversation. "Well, we hope he only told you the good stuff!"

Kenzie chuckled. "Of course, Mark. Matt has nothing but good things to say about his wonderful parents."

Laughter filled the room, creating an atmosphere of warmth and love. Matt's parents couldn't help but tease him about his childhood antics and embarrassing moments.

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