Chapter 26

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It was a beautiful Friday morning, and the boys eagerly gathered on the couch, awaiting Kenzie to finish packing. The room was filled with a buzz of excitement as they chatted about their plans for the upcoming weekend. Matt, with his signature grin, couldn't help but tease Reed about his meticulous packing habits, while Reed playfully rolled his eyes in response.

Reed, with a hint of reluctance in his voice, turned to Kenzie and said, "You know, Kenzie, Matt I'm not really looking forward to this trip. I just want to get it over with and come back to both of you."

Kenzie, understanding Reed's feelings, reached out and gently squeezed his hand, her eyes filled with empathy. "I know it's not your ideal situation, Reed, but remember, this is just a steppingstone towards achieving your dreams. We'll be here supporting you every step of the way."

Matt, catching Kenzie's gaze, flashed her a charming smile. "And while Reed is off conquering the world, I'll be here, eagerly awaiting your return."

Reed, unable to resist the playful banter, joined in with a mischievous smirk. His eyes sparkled with anticipation as he leaned in closer to Kenzie, his voice laced with a hint of seduction. "I mean, Matt, just imagine," he whispered, his breath warm against her ear. "We'll have all day to indulge in the sweet embrace of cuddles and kisses, savoring every stolen moment that we'll miss out on when I'm away for those few days."

Kenzie's eyes widened with a mixture of longing and playful jealousy. Her lower lip jutted out in an adorable pout as she exclaimed, "Oh, now you've really made me jealous! I'll be missing out on a show, and to think I could have been a willing participant." Her voice carried a hint of excitement and longing, as if she were already imagining the passionate moments they would share.

As if on cue, both boys instinctively moved closer to her, their eyes locked with hers, their lips gently brushing against hers. The room filled with the sound of their laughter, a symphony of joy and affection. Kenzie's body relaxed, sinking to the floor, enveloped in the warmth of their embrace. They laughed and cuddled, reveling in the sheer bliss of their connection, creating a scene that was both intimate and electrifying.

Laughter filled the room as they continued packing, their bond growing stronger with every lighthearted exchange.

Just as the anticipation reached its peak, a soft knock on the door echoed through the room. Reed jumped up, a wide smile spreading across his face, and swung the door open to reveal Kenzie's siblings, Nikki and Kolby. The boys exchanged warm greetings, feeling an instant connection as they bonded over their shared love for Kenzie.

Settling onto the couch, they created a cozy and welcoming atmosphere. The room was filled with laughter and animated conversations, as they reminisced about their favorite memories with Kenzie. Nikki, known for her quick wit, couldn't help but tease Kenzie about her "two boyfriends," causing everyone to burst into laughter.

As the excitement settled, Kolby turned to Reed, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Are you ready to leave on Sunday, Reed?" he asked, a playful smirk tugging at his lips. Reed chuckled and shook his head, admitting that he still had some last-minute preparations to make. He hoped for a smooth journey and a team that would embrace a positive and supportive environment.

Just then, Kenzie emerged from her room, her presence filling the space with an undeniable energy. She greeted her siblings with a warm embrace, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Are you guys ready for this wedding!" she exclaimed, a hint of joy lacing her voice. Nikki, ever the pragmatist, let out a playful groan. "I would rather laze around on campus all weekend, but I guess we can't miss the wedding," she said, her words met with a chorus of laughter and agreement.

Kolby, always the one to ask probing questions, turned his attention to Matt and Reed. "Will your parents be joining you guys for parent weekend?" he asked, genuine curiosity in his voice. Reed smirked and replied, "Nope, they are busy, which is good for me. I can only tolerate so much of my dad. But I can guarantee that my dad won't miss Sunday send out, so he will be there to see us leave." Matt grabbed Reed's hand for reassurance.

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