Chapter 8

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The next day, Matt makes breakfast and has a relaxing day. He sees Kenzie leave for class and as he flips through TV channels, he hears Reed walk out of his room.

Hey Matt, Reed says.

"Hi Reed," Matt says as Reed comes and grabs a bacon behind him. Matt notices that Reed is in his boxers and shirtless and puts his hand on Matt's hip.

"Do I cause you to have a distraction?" Reed asks.

"What? No, I'm fine. You're acting like this because Kenzie's not here," Matt says.

"What do you mean?" Reed says, confused.

"Well, I mean you're out here in your cute boxers and shirtless and letting your hands linger on me," Matt says.

"So, you think my boxers are cute?" Reed says.

"Not the point, Reed," Matt says.

"I'm not doing anything different, Matt. You're my best friend, and I'm always shirtless in the house," Reed says.

"Reed, please. I know you only come around me in your boxers when you're horny or we have a moment together, and you're being comfortable and not thinking anyone might see us. And when Kenzie or anyone else is around, your fingers don't linger around me at all. You make sure not to look at me too long because you don't want people asking questions," Matt says.

"That's where you're wrong, Matt. I look at you all the time, even to the point Kenzie asked if there is something between us," Reed says.

"She did? When were you around her?" Matt asked.

"Jealous, are we?" Reed asked. "And are you jealous of her being around me or the other way around?" Reed says.

"I'm not jealous, just trying to understand," Matt says.

"She was at the football field yesterday, and we hung out since her brother ditched her," Reed says.

"And what did you tell her?" Matt asks, his heart beating extremely fast.

"I told her we're best friends," Reed says.

"Oh, okay. I gotta get something in my room. Be back," Matt says.

"Wait, Matt," Reed says and grabs his arm, then cups his face in his hands.

"Yeah?" Reed says.

"She did mention something, and you'll always tell me the truth, right?" Reed says.

"Yeah, go ahead and ask. I wouldn't lie to you," Matt whispers.

"She said that you might have feelings for someone. That the hunch she's getting, you'd tell me, right?" Reed asks.

"I don't like anyone, Reed, and why would it matter anyway?" Matt says. His heart is slamming against his chest because all he wants to do is smash their lips together and tell Reed, "Yes, I love you. I have for years, and I want to be more than the guy you hook up with in secret."

"Well, I don't want to stop doing this," Reed says and slams his mouth on Matt's. Matt grunts against him, and Reed's fingers linger over his body. Matt feels Reed's dick start to get harder, and when he wants more, Reed separates.

"But if you want to grow something with someone, I wouldn't want to get in the way," Reed finishes and looks deep into Matt's eyes.

"I don't have anyone or into anyone. We're good," Matt says.

Matt heads to his room to cool down for a moment. He feels like he's about to lay everything out on the table, but he knows it would ruin everything. His head is already complicated enough, as he's been in love with his best friend for two years, and now Kenzie is on his mind 24/7. After rinsing his face, he heads back out and acts like everything is normal.

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