Chapter 25

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Kenzie's heart pounded in her chest, her mind racing with worry and desperation. Without a second thought, she bolted out of the restaurant, leaving behind the dimly lit interior and stepping out into the cool night air. The darkness enveloped her as she looked around, searching for any sign of Matt and Reed. Her eyes caught a glimpse of the nearby beach, the moonlight casting an ethereal glow upon the sand. A surge of hope surged through her veins, urging her to follow her instincts.

The sand squished beneath her feet as she made her way towards the shoreline. The rhythmic sound of crashing waves provided a soothing backdrop to her frantic thoughts. As she approached the beach, she could see the silhouette of two figures sitting in the sand, their forms embraced by the darkness. It was Matt and Reed.

Kenzie's breath caught in her throat as she observed their postures. Reed's shoulders were slumped, and she could see the glistening trails of tears on his cheeks. Matt, ever the source of comfort, had his arm tightly wrapped around Reed, his eyes filled with concern and unwavering support. Kenzie's heart broke at the sight of Reed's pain, and she knew she had to do something.

She moved closer, her footsteps silent in the sand. As she reached them, she sank to her knees, placing herself directly in front of Reed. Slowly, Reed lifted his head, his eyes bloodshot and puffy. The moonlight illuminated the vulnerability etched on his face, and Kenzie's heart ached for him.

"Reed," Kenzie whispered, her voice trembling with compassion. "I'm so sorry... I never thought your father would behave this way. It's unimaginable. You both probably hate me now and want everything to end. But I swear, I have no idea why he did this."

Matt's voice cut through the night, filled with empathy and understanding. "Kenzie, there's no need to apologize. We're all in this together, and I'm sorry that you have to bear the weight of my own struggles as well."

Reed's voice quivered with a mix of frustration and sadness. "But Matt, you don't understand. What Kenzie's dad said... it's true. My father i know him and how bad he can be especially in his situation, and I never took into account how his actions would affect both of you. I feel like I've failed you both."

Kenzie's eyes never left Reed's, her voice filled with conviction. "Reed, you are not defined by your father's mistakes. You are your own person, and I care about you for who you are. Your dad's actions don't change that. We're in this relationship because of the love we share, not because of the circumstances."

Reed's gaze flickered between Kenzzie and Matt, a mixture of hope and uncertainty present in his eyes. "Kenzzie... you mean that? You still want to be with me?"

Kenzzie's voice was filled with unwavering determination as she reached out to hold Reed's trembling hand. "Of course, Reed. I want to be with you. In fact, I'm out here crying because I thought this would ruin the three of us. But it doesn't have to. We can face this together, support each other, and come out stronger on the other side."

The night air was heavy with tension as Kenzie's heart pounded in her chest. Her voice trembled with a mix of desperation and determination as she spoke up, breaking the silence that hung over them like a heavy cloud.

"Reed, Matt, I need to say something," Kenzie began, her voice quivering. "I want to apologize again, deeply and sincerely. My father's behavior tonight was inexcusable, and I understand if you both want nothing to do with me anymore. I would understand if you wanted to walk away."

Reed's eyes widened, his voice filled with disbelief. "Kenzie, no! How could you even think that? This isn't your fault. Your father's actions don't define you, they shouldn't defy any of us but maybe I'm wrong since my father is epitome of trash, homophobic, and racist.

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