Chapter 5

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Kenzie wakes up the next morning and goes into the kitchen. She sees that none of the boys are up and both doors are closed. She decides to make breakfast. 30 minutes later, Reed walks out of his room and she turns back to look at him.

"Good morning, Kenzie. You wake up early," he says.

"Morning, Reed. Yeah, I don't like mornings but I can't sleep for long, so here I am," she replies.

"You look refreshed. Did you have some good sleep?" Kenzie asks.

"What do you mean?" Reed asks.

"Just that you look better. Yesterday, you looked like a bulldozer hit you, even when we're calm and having fun," she says.

"Yes, football will do that to you," Reed says and grabs his bag.

"Do you have time to eat the breakfast I made? It'd be rude not to," Kenzie says.

"Uh, sure. Sorry," Reed says, drops his bag, and walks back to the kitchen to grab a plate.

"Wow, this is good, Kenzie. Thanks. So, how do you like it here so far?" he asks.

"Ehh, I mean, I'm surprised I like my roommates, but other than that, school is just school. If I'm being honest, my sister was more excited for this than me," she says.

"What do you mean? Why are you in shock, and what is your sister like?" Reed asks.

"Well, I didn't want to be in a coed room. My sister did. She wanted to get a hot male roommate, which she did - Neel. But honestly, I just wanted to room with her, but they separated us, and here I am. Honestly, just trying to finish this degree, really speaking. And my sister, well, she's my opposite. She likes to get along with everyone, a party girl, and loves hanging with friends - my complete opposite, but I love her," Kenzie says.

"Are you happy with your decision of being in a coed apartment now?" he asks.

"Honestly, it could've been worse. My last roommate was a girl, and she was hard to deal with, but more so for my sister. But this is not so bad," Kenzie says.

"Well, I'm glad it's turning out better for you," he says.

"Thanks," Kenzie smiles, and then the door opens to reveal Matt.

"Good morning, hot stuff. Would you like some breakfast?" Kenzie says.

"Good morning, Kenzie," Matt says, blushing. "And than-k y-ou."

"Well, I'm going to leave and leave you both to flirt with each other. Bye, guys," Reed says, grabs his stuff, and walks out the door.

"Reed!!" Matt yells, but the door closes and he doesn't return.

"Oop, sounds like Reed is jealous," Kenzie says.

"Of what?" Matt asks.

"I guess our blossoming friendship, especially since you guys are best friends," Kenzie says.

"Wha-a-t do you me-an?" Matt asks, stuttering.

"Well, maybe he wants his best friend to himself, but I'm sure he'll get over it," Kenzie says.

"Huh," Matt says.

"Well, because hotstuff, I'm not backing down off our friendship just because he is a little upset. And I want to be friends with both of you, so he has nothing to worry about," Kenzie says.

"Oh, ok-ay," Matt says, stuttering again.

"Kenzie, you're so comf-t-able with yourself," Matt says, stuttering once more.

"Well, of course, Matt. I mean, in life, if we're not comfortable and loving ourselves, how will others?" she says.

Kenzie and Matt finish their breakfast and start getting ready for the day.

As they are leaving the apartment, Kenzie turns to Matt and asks, "So, what are you planning to do today?"

Matt looks at her and shrugs, "I don't know, maybe go to the gym, catch up on some homework, or just hang out.

What about you?" "I have a few classes, but after that, I was thinking of exploring the city a bit. I've never been here before, so I want to see what it has to offer," Kenzie says with a smile.

"That sounds like a good idea. Maybe we can explore together after I finish my stuff," Matt suggests.

Kenzie nods, "Sure, that sounds like fun." They both say their goodbyes and head out for the day.

Later that day, Kenzie walks to Matt's class and waits outside for him to finish. As they walk out together, Kenzie sees Jade yelling at Matt and mocking his stuttering.

"Hahaha, you're such a waste of good looks, Matt. I can't believe I got stuck with you for the project i knew id regret it and this proves it!" jade yells

"J-jade, it's not my fault we got a B. You didn't do your part correctly." Matt says

"Excuse me, I know you're not talking about me, you fucking idiot! You should be happy that someone as hot as me would accept being your partner, heck, even talking to you! I told you to do it! It's your fault we got a B!" Jade yells. Kenzie steps in.

"Hey, Jade, leave him the fuck alone. If you didn't do your part, you have no right to attack Matt. You got a B, and you should be praising him because clearly what you turned in was not great, and you only got a good grade because of him. So, stop being a lazy ass and do your own work, and try to do it properly," Kenzie says.

"What the hell, Kenzie? You're supposed to be my friend! Why are you defending this loser?"

"I'm not friends with bitches who attack people. And he's not a loser. The only bona fide dumbass loser I see is you. So watch how you talk to him and apologize now," Kenzie says as she gets up in Jade's face.

"I'm sorry, Matt," Jade says.

Matt nods.

"Alright, now get to stepping," Kenzie says, and they both watch Jade walk away very quickly.

"So, are you ready to go, Hotstuff?" Kenzie says, smiling at Matt.

"Uhh, you st-stood up for me," Matt says.

"Of course, Hotstuff. She was being a bitch. It's not surprising because Jade is one. If the people in your life don't stand up for you when someone is being horrible and acting like a catty bitch, Hotstuff, you have shitty people around you and need to let them go. But I always will, unless it makes you uncomfortable," Kenzie asks.

"N-n-no, it was n-nice of you and th-thanks, let me sh-show you what this town has to offer Kenzie," he says, stumbling over his words. Kenzie smiles reassuringly, nods, and follows him as he shows her what they can do around there.

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