Chapter 12

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As the sun rose on the following morning, casting a warm glow across the room, Reed emerged from his slumber and was the first to venture out of his room. His mind was filled with a whirlwind of thoughts, all centering around the unforgettable encounter that had taken place between the three of them the previous night in the steamy confines of the shower.

Reed's heart had pounded in his chest as he stood there, his body pressed against the slick tiles, his senses heightened by the intoxicating mix of water, steam, and desire. Every moment had been etched into Reed's memory, replaying in his mind like a vivid movie. The way their bodies moved together, the electrifying touch of their skin, the symphony of moans and whispers that filled the air - it was a sensory overload that he couldn't shake off.

The way their lips had met, their hands exploring every inch of each other's bodies, the shared moments of vulnerability and ecstasy - all of it played on a loop in Reed's mind, like a tantalizing dance he couldn't escape.

But as Reed prepared himself for the day ahead, he couldn't help but notice that it was already 10 am and neither Matt nor Kenzie had stirred from their slumber. A sense of worry began to creep into Reed's thoughts. Were they deliberately avoiding him? Had they changed their minds about what had happened between them? The fear of rejection started to gnaw at him, making it difficult for him to focus on the simple task of preparing breakfast.

Despite the lingering doubts, Reed pushed forward and started to gather ingredients, trying to distract himself from the nagging uncertainty. But with every passing minute, his worry intensified. He couldn't help but wonder if last night's encounter had been a mistake or if he had misread the signals. The silence in the house felt heavy, suffocating him with unanswered questions.

As the aroma of cooking food filled the air, Reed's thoughts continued to race. He couldn't shake the feeling that something had gone wrong, that perhaps they regretted their actions or felt uncomfortable about what had transpired. The weight of anticipation and fear of rejection weighed heavily on him, making each passing second feel like an eternity.

Finally, after noticing that it was already noon, Reed made a decision. He needed to test the waters, to gauge the situation and see if his fears were warranted. With a determined expression, he made his way to the front door, closing it behind him with deliberate care. He pretended to walk out, ensuring that not a sound escaped him, just in case someone was listening.

Ten minutes later, the sound of Matt's door opening broke the silence, and Reed's heart skipped a beat. Matt emerged from his room, and though Reed felt a flicker of happiness at the sight of him, it was overshadowed by the unmistakable feeling of being avoided. This was something that had never happened between them ever since they became best friends, and it left Reed feeling both hurt and confused especially after the huge leap they took yesterday.

Oh, Reed, it's you," Matt says awkwardly.

"Yeah, I was trying to see if both of you were avoiding me, and I guess in your case, yeah?" Reed asks.

"No, just a late start to the day," he says awkwardly.

"We both know you don't have late days, Matt. Even when you want to, you have an automatic alarm clock," Reed says.

"I... I don't know, okay? A lot of thoughts," Matt says.

"And I wanted you to come out here early so we could talk, but you had other ideas," Reed says, sighing.

"I didn't expect you to want to talk. You never do especially when stuff happen between us. And you want to talk without Kenzie?" Matt asks.

"No, I wanted her to be here, but you both are way more similar than you think, at least when it comes to this," Reed says, and Matt just looks awkward.

And then Kenzie's door finally opens, and she walks out, still looking absolutely beautiful but definitely half asleep.

"Oh, good morning, hot stuff. You all are some early risers," she says, seeming like she isn't being awkward or embarrassed about yesterday.

"Kenzie, it's noon," Matt says.

"Well, I mean, what do you boys expect after the excellent workout last night? Just the memories get me excited," and both their eyes go wide.

"What's wrong? Did I say something off?" she asks.

"I thought you were avoiding us, the entire situation," Reed says.

"What? No, why would you think that?" she asks.

"That's what Matt was doing, so I just assumed. I didn't think you'd actually sleep for that long," Reed said.

"Well, I was asleep, clearly, but we need to talk, obviously." Kenzie

We both nod and then go to the sofa. I sit in one corner first, and Matt joins in the middle. I wish he would've sat closer. I have no idea what's going through his mind, and it has me on edge. Maybe this is payback for how I've been making him feel. Fuck, now I feel worse. I'm a horrible person if this is what he felt like for the past year and a half we've been hooking up behind closed doors.

Then Kenzie walks over and sits right in between us, causing Matt to move closer. She grabs my face and kisses my lips, then smiles, turns to Matt, grabs his and pecks him on the lips.

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