Chapter 19

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As Reed was driving home, his mind was consumed with thoughts of Kenzie and Matt. He couldn't help but wonder where they had ended up and where they were now. He missed them and would have much rather spent the day with them than dealing with Aloura and the baggage from his past.

Knowing that Kenzie didn't have any classes that day, Reed became suspicious of her excuse. He decided to check their apartment quickly, hoping to find some clue about their whereabouts. However, his search turned up empty.

Feeling an urgent need, Reed hurriedly made his way around campus, determined to find Kenzie and Matt. He couldn't ignore the nagging feeling that something was off, and he wanted to see. They felt like his rock. Matt had definitely been for years, but now Kenzie was also filling that space. They were his source of comfort in a chaotic world, and their absence left him feeling lost and vulnerable. With each passing moment, his longing for their presence grew stronger, as they were the ones who understood him like no one else. Reed knew deep down that he needed them by his side to navigate the complexities of life and find solace in their comforting embrace.

After what felt like an eternity of searching, Reed finally found them at the pond. But his relief quickly transformed into a storm of shock and confusion as he witnessed Brody sitting intimately close to Matt, running his hands through his hair. Kenzie sat comfortably on Matt's lap, seemingly unaffected by the situation.

Reed's heart plummeted, a torrent of emotions crashing over him. He yearned to be with Kenzie and Matt, to escape the complications and baggage tied to Aloura and his past. The scene before him intensified his yearning for their companionship, yet it also ignited a surge of jealousy mixed with the sting of being excluded.

Reed stood there, seething in silence, struggling to comprehend how everything had taken such a drastic turn. He yearned to confront them, to grasp the reasons behind their actions. But for now, he remained silent, his mind consumed by a whirlwind of longing, frustration, and lingering questions.

In the midst of his turmoil, Reed couldn't help but question if this was what Matt truly desired from him – to be unabashedly open and unaffected by the opinions of others. Did Matt want Reed to cast aside all concerns and freely embrace their connection, regardless of who witnessed it? These thoughts swirled within Reed's conflicted mind, adding yet another layer of complexity to his already tumultuous emotions.

But then, Reed's attention was abruptly brought back to the present when he heard Brody comment on how cute Matt is. That comment ignited a fire within Reed, turning his face red with anger. Without hesitation, he stepped forward, causing everyone around to turn their heads and take notice of his presence.

Reed, Kenzie, and Matt all stood up and walked towards him. Reed couldn't hold back his curiosity any longer and directly asked, "So, what's going on here?"

With a deep gaze into his eyes, Matt tried to search for any signs of distress from earlier that day. However, Reed's anger towards Brody's actions overshadowed any concern he had for his own well-being. He bluntly responded, "Nothing, just hanging out." The weight of his anger and frustration was evident in his voice. Matt's lack of action in pushing Brody away and Kenzie's apparent indifference only fueled Reed's fury further.

Reed, good to see you! I'm going to leave now. Well, the party is tomorrow. You all should come," Brody says as he gets up and gives Matt a hug. Matt accepts, and Reed rolls his eyes.

"I will try. We will try, right Kenz?" Matt stutters.

"Yeah, we will, Brody," Kenz smiles.

"What party?" Reed asks.

"There is a party on campus at a club. You should come, even though it's probably not your scene. None of your friends will be there, and there will be a lot of LGBTQ people," Brody says.

"If Matt and Kenzie are going, so am I. So I guess I will see you there," Reed says.

Brody say goodbye to everyone as he leaves, and there is silence for a while.

"Are you mad, Reed?" Matt says, breaking the silence.

"I don't know, what do you think, Matt? Would you have been happy if you walked in, happy and excited to see and be around me and Kenzie because that's what you actually wanted to do all day, and you see a guy that you have known and been telling me is super interested in me, and has liked you for months, and he's running his fingers through my hair like there is a damn love scene in front of me?"

"Reed, I don't see Brody like that. He was just moving leaves that he threw at me as a joke and helping me take them off my head. It was a joke. You are reading too much into it, Matt says."

"I still do not like it, especially after how good we have been the last few days," Matt says.

"You're the one who had your ex show up," Matt says.

"Guys, stop it. Let's just talk," Kenzie says.

"I didn't ask her to fly here, and for your information, I was coming because I would've rather been with you two today. But me and her are nothing. She came to try to get me back and for us to live and continue with our past. And I told her I'm not interested and I can't go back in time, and I no longer feel anything for her anymore. Can you believe, even after all that, she asked if she should stay at the hotel she booked or if she could stay at the apartment? Oh, mind you, this is after she asked to be friends after telling me she is still in love with me," Reed says.

"Well damn, talk about a crazy day," Kenzie says.

"Are we going to admit that Brody likes you?" Reed says.

"There is nothing to talk about, Reed. I don't like him, and he's just gay. He doesn't like me. We're friends, and if he liked me, I don't think he'd flirt with me in front of Kenzie. That would be disrespectful," Matt says.

"You told him about you guys?" Reed says, stunned.

"No, but it's obvious. We're always touching each other, and we kissed in the hallway today," Matt says, blushing.

"It's not like we are keeping each other a secret. If people see us together or ask, we just either tell them or let them think whatever," Kenzie says.

"Oh, Reed says, freaking out.

"Don't worry, Reed. You can go as slow as you want. We aren't trying to push you before you are ready," Matt says in a whisper.

"So you mean you both would continue without me if I... I... I never come out?" Reed says, his heart throbbing and nerves kicking.

"No!" they both yell.

"Reed, we aren't trying to kick you out," Kenzie says.

"We aren't even thinking that far. We want you, please don't think we don't. We just wanted to let you know how we are currently handling it," Matt says.

Reed nods. "Okay, so this party tonight?"

"You don't have to go. It's not required," Matt says.

"Are you both going?" Reed asks.

"Yes," they both say.

"Then I will be attending too," Reed says, putting his hands in his pockets.

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