16: Engraved Love

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tw: mentions of suicide
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The jock averted her full attention from the tv of the tattoo shop to Hermione. "Yeah?" she answered, eyebrows perking up curiously at the rather nervous cheerleader.

"Remember when you showed me your tattoos?—"

"Obviously, It was quite eventful—" she began to snicker.

"Not that part, you asshole." Hermione sighed in embarrassment. "I was really curious about their meaning, especially the semi-colon one?" she went on, careful with her words and taking note of how the jock's face fell a slight bit.

"Surely Miss Know-It-All did her research?" replied (Y/N) as she darted her eyes back to the tv, ruffling her hair to mask off her nervousness. She hoped that the cheerleader would just drop the subject.

"I did." nodded Hermione. She watched the jock's jaw clench. She was aware that she was touching a sensitive topic, but she had the right to know, right?

"It's a symbol for suicide."

(Y/N) went quiet. She remembered her first and only heartbreak, how she struggled to walk back home from school without the usual company. How drained she suddenly felt from the load of schoolwork without somebody motivating and scolding her. How everyone took pictures of her ex-girlfriend and her teammate making out, posting them on social media and even tagging (Y/N). Highschoolers really sucked.

She remembered her grandma passing away on the very same day. The world seemed to be going against her that day cause it was dead fuckingass so shit. She remembered how shit she felt, so she closed off all her social media and isolated herself. And no one, not even her bestfriends, came to check up on her.

Obviously these emotions heightened at her young age, feeling as though she was suffocating from every little task.

"Mhm," (Y/N) could only respond with a hum. She could feel the latter's eyes boring onto hers, but she couldn't bring herself to meet them.

"Did you?.." questioned Hermione quietly.

She watched the jock nod with a shrug, insisting that it wasn't a big deal. Hermione's lips curled down to a small frown as she rested her chin on (Y/N)'s collarbone, her hand making it's way to the latter's, her thumb caressing the skin softly.

"And the initial?" questioned Hermione further. "Is she the reason?"

"Katherine?" replied (Y/N), scrunching her face slightly as the memories flooded back. "I wouldn't blame her for all of it, of course. I was always at the verge of breaking down, perhaps she was just the last pushing point." she shrugged.

Hermione finally understood why the jock was so hesitant to catch the cheerleader from her fall.

"I hope you know that you don't have to be scared." affirmed Hermione, her tone soft. "Just give me the chance to love you, baby. And I promise that I'll heal every wound of yours."

(Y/N) couldn't fight off her stupid grin.

"Did you guys really have your futures planned out, or do you tattoo every girl's initial on you?" said Hermione half-jokingly, but she was seriously questioning her own importance.

"If I did, I'd have the whole alphabet tattoo'ed on me." (Y/N) pointed out with an amused smile, earning her a scolding pinch on the cheek. The cheerleader couldn't help but still have doubts. She wanted to believe the jock, of course, but she couldn't help but wonder if she was simply caught up in (Y/N)'s charms.

"(Y/N)!" spoke an asian tattoo artist that just entered the room, his neck and forearms loaded with graphic tattoos.

"Hey, Jungkook." smiled (Y/N), getting up to shake the enthusiastic guy's hand. "Still bad at tattoo'ing with your left hand, I see." she snickered at the messy doodle on the artist's right hand.

"Messy is art. Art is messy." insisted Jungkook defensively. He loved giving himself new tattoos, he loved his own art style + saved him a few bucks. "Don't go insulting my skills right before I tattoo you." he threatened jokingly.

The two laughed before Jungkook's eyes met a honey-brown pair, his eyes blowing. "You must be (Y/N)'s future wife, no? She only took one girl here before, so you must be really special— ow!" he snickered as the jock gave him a harsh slap on the shoulder.

Hermione couldn't help but giggle. Perhaps she should stop doubting her junior. (Y/N) settled herself on the chair while the artist plopped down his tools on the table next to her. ( idk how they give tattoos okay im a minor leave me alone )

"Ahhh," grinned Jungkook when the jock had given him a paper note with Hermione's name in the cheerleader's handwriting. "Where do you want it to be?"

Hermione just realised that they haven't discussed that part. She figured that the junior would probably pick some place which she can cover with ease.

"My neck," answered (Y/N), pointing at a bare spot at the side of her neck that was almost always on display unless she had her hair down. She averted her eyes to the honey-brown pair as though asking for approval.

Hermione's heart fluttered. But she was the Student Council President, tattoos are banned, Hermione!

She gave the jock an approving smile.

Half an hour later, (Y/N) got up and was about to pull out her wallet to pay and leave the store, right until Hermione settled herself on the chair, gathering her hair to the side to give the artist a full view of the side of her neck.

"What are you doing, Granger?" questioned a bewildered yet amused (Y/N).

"Could you trace this?" requested Hermione, bringing her finger up to her neck, pointing at the bruised love-bite.

(Y/N)'s mouth fell. No fucking way. They were so whipped.

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