♡ Chapter Twenty Two ♡

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"Finally, we get to meet the woman who stole my son's heart. His one true mate." A soft feminine voice spoke behind her, followed by a scent of mixed fragrances. One fragrance displayed sweet and floral notes while the other was intense, musky, and woody.

Rachel, who was too focused on the beauty of nature, turned around sharply, tearing her eyes away. She stood on a balcony all alone after excusing herself to head to the restroom. She climbed a couple of staircases before reaching there. Once she was done with her business, she washed her hands and walked out, but before going down the flight of stairs again, something caught her senses.
It was the sound of a stream of water moving with a rippling flow, falling into a plunge pool.

She walked to the balcony, curious to see what was there.
The water travelled along its bed, bubbling over rocks and branches.

There was also a beautiful view of lush grasses, flowers and plants, trees clinging to cliffs, and overhanging the pool at the corner. Butterflies and dragonflies drank from it as others danced around happily.
She was truly delighted to see such a jaw-dropping sight!

The second her eyes met the people, she bowed her head respectfully. There stood Rolf's mother and father! She easily recognized them since she had acknowledged their presence earlier during the union.

The woman, Frielle, smiled warmly at her as Fielding smirked smugly, putting his hands behind his back while staring at the daughter-in-law with a spark of interest in his green eyes. He was dressed in a white suit that perfectly fitted his sculptured body. He had an intimidating height and was very handsome as well. Rachel understood where Rolf got his good looks from.

Rachel smiled, trying to hide her nervousness, and did her best not to fidget with her fingers. Never once did she dream of meeting them like this! Alone! What was she even going to say?! The mother was very beautiful. She had purple orbs and an incredible body fitted in a tight white sleeveless long dress, which was designed with golden gemstones from her waist to her hips.
Her grey-colored hair was in soft curls sprawling on her back.
How could that man have a bloody mistress?!

"Rachel, the daughter of Fenrer. What a little beauty!" He commented, eyeing her up and down. She looked away.

Frielle huffed exasperatedly before craning her neck to the man she once fell in love with. "Could you quit it! Don't make her feel uncomfortable around us, Marx."

The man chuckled, "Don't worry, sweet cake, it was a compliment."

Rachel mentally was desperate for Rolf to show up, at least, or maybe she could try to reach out to him.
Having agreed on the idea, she called out to him in her mind.

"It's okay. I'm fine." She reassured, but that didn't help.

"Oh, save your 'sweet cake' nickname for your slut of a mistress whom you gladly ditched me for!" Frielle's fists balled at her sides as she lashed out at him.

Oh My God!

Marx's nose flared, "I'm not here to discuss that!" He fired back.

"Ohhh! Really? I wasn't either! But I wanna discuss that now!"

Rachel felt—weird, left out, she felt like she wasn't supposed to hear their argument which was rapidly becoming heated. She felt small and super uncomfortable.

"Mom? Dad?" Rolf's voice called out from the entrance. They all turned to look.

"Is everything okay?" He asked frowning, walking to his wife's side and clasping her palm in his.

"Yes! Everything is fine dear. I'm very happy to finally meet her in person." Frielle answered quickly with a tight smile.

Rolf's eyes moved to his father questioningly. He noticed something wasn't right.

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