Chapter 75 - 78

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"Starlight" This movie is adapted from a true story, but it also made some changes.
The whole story is divided into two main lines. The main plot line is the story of Tom, a poor boy who is too immature, to counterattack the rich and handsome man, and finally marry Bai Fumei. Although the story is extremely concise, it has a very rich emotional line. The final result after several twists and turns is also quite interesting.

In fact, this kind of story seems not very cliché to describe, but if you think about it carefully, there are many similar stories in history, such as Sima Xiangru's counterattack and finally married Zhuo Wenjun, and Liu Bang's counterattack and finally married Lu Pheasant.
The quality of a love movie lies more in its shaping and expression of emotions. As long as it is a love movie shot by Han Renwen, even Tom Su's love is enough to move people.

On the other hand, the main plot between Chu Yan and Bai Qiran seems very bloody. The character played by Chu Yan is Su Yuguang, a very famous impressionist painter in China more than 300 years ago. This painter uses warm colors and delicate brushstrokes. Each painting has a beautiful and gorgeous hope, which can make the people who see it happy. Pleasure.
The life story of this painter is also quite lamentable. He suffered a serious illness when he was six years old, which eventually stopped his intellectual development. From then on, he only had the mind of a six-year-old. But after the painter died, his friends kept saying: "He was a very good person, a very kind person, a person who was so stupid that people couldn't bear to deceive him."

However, someone deceived him . He also deceived the painter for his whole life, and that was the role played by Bai Qiran: Xu Yishu.

Su Yuguang met Xu Yishu at a charity auction. Su Yuguang had not yet become famous at that time, and the paintings were not expensive. However, Xu Yishu bought them at a high price. Su Yuguang, accompanied by his cousin, came to thank Xu Yishu.

Su Yuguang's innocence and pure kindness attracted Xu Yishu, and the playboy began to pursue him. According to him, he didn't care about Su Yuguang's mental problems. He only thought that the little painter was beautiful and very cute. Su Yuguang was naturally no match for Xu Yi Shu, a young man in the sex scene, and he quickly fell into it.

His IQ is only six years old, but his heart has lived for nineteen years. He didn't know if it was love, but he just wanted to be with Xu Yishu, and even did many stupid things for him.
For example, there were no buses in the middle of the night. Su Yuguang walked all the way to the high-end residential area where Xu Yishu lived. He was soaked by the rain. But after Xu Yishu opened the door and saw him, Su Yuguang smiled and held up the small cake in his hand. The little cake was well protected by him, and it was not stained by any rainwater. He said seriously: "Shu Shu, you eat it, it's delicious."

This happened after Su Yuguang passed away, and Xu Yishu wrote a biography for him. Last mentioned.

Xu Yishu did not give Su Yuguang a perfect ending. For the sake of his career, he married the daughter of the owner of a cooperative company, and broke up with Su Yuguang when he was 26 years old. They parted ways and never saw each other again.

Su Yuguang's life was short, only thirty-six years. When he died, Xu Yishu was only forty-two years old. However, when he attended the painter's funeral, his hair was already gray and his whole person seemed old. Same as twenty.

However, no matter how crazy he was now, Xu Yishu never appeared once in Su Yuguang's sixteen years of life after he turned twenty. The saddest thing is that this painter has never blamed his former lover. There is always only gratitude and appreciation in his paintings, as well as praise and yearning for a beautiful world, making everyone who sees it feel endless warmth. .
At first, Mr. Han didn't think about letting Chu Yan play the role of Su Yuguang, although Chu Yan's appearance already met the requirements. Coincidentally, he and Su Yuguang were the same height. However, all the characters played by Chu Yan in the past were either extremely intelligent or ruthless, which was completely inconsistent with Su Yuguang's character.
But after Zhou Hehui took over the film for Chu Yan, Chu Yan personally wrote a letter recommending himself to Mr. Han.

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