Chapter 34: All For One: The fight

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Shoto was the first one to attack. He used ice to immobilize All For One, who didn't break it in time to escape Endeavor's fire.

"If we keep this up, we'll succeed, but Nine will be killed in the process." Endeavor thought. "Unlike All For One, we have no permission to dispose of him."

As he turned around to where he had previously seen Nine, he realized he was gone.

"Shoto! Where is Nine!?"

"Huh!?" Shoto looked at where Nine was until a few moments ago, also seeing that he had disappeared.

"FOCUS YOU IDIOTS!" Bakugo yelled from far away. "I TOOK HIM, FOCUS ON ALL FOR ONE!"

"I didn't even realize..." all three fighting thought, though didn't concern themselves much.

"Shoto. Can you use Flashfreeze Heatwave?"

"Yes. But if I charge it for a little longer, it'll be much more powerful than if I use it right now."

"How long do you need?"

"Just a minute will do."

"Very well. I'll use one of my ultimate moves, then it's your turn. Understood?"


Endeavor attacked All For One multiple times, though All For One was able to avoid being hit using a shield quirk.

"Is that all you can do, Endeavor? I knew you'd be weaker than All Might, but such a huge difference... was unexpected."

"I'm not the one who will finish you off..." Endeavor said, before getting in the air. "But that doesn't mean I'll just sit by! Flashfire Fist... JETBURN! (This is heroic Endeavor and all but I'm cringing so bad writing this pls kill me 😀🧍‍♀️Pls imagine the scene to avoid cringing to death-)

"What makes you think this attack of yours will be so much more powerful than the previous ones that it will actually deal damage? Maybe I was wrong... Your kid's fire must be more powerful." All For One said, using the shield again.

Unfortunately for him, it wasn't enough to protect him. The shield broke, and Endeavor's attack got him, sending him flying meters away (I believe I could fly~).

"This is it." Shoto thought, ready to attack.

He looked around, making sure Bakugo wasn't close enough to be affected. He couldn't see him anywhere. Then he turned back to All For One.

"DO IT NOW SHOTO!" Endeavor yelled, seeing that All For One was getting back up.

"I KNOW!" Shoto reached him in seconds, pushing Endeavor away in the process, as he could be affected too. "FLASHFREEZE HEATWAVE!"

He made sure not to touch All For One, knowing he'd lose both his quirks. However, even without contact, the attack wasn't any less disastrous.

(Was about to add a trigger warning but let's not turn this into a thriller after all :D.)

The area was destroyed, and the ground near Shoto had collapsed, including where All For One was standing. All For One couldn't use a quirk to defend himself, the fire and ice on him didn't allow him to.

"BAKUGO!! NOW!" Shoto yelled before falling on the ground, though still conscious this time.

Moments later, Bakugo had brought him next to Endeavor, while he himself had got in front of the enemy.


"Damn it... No way I'm losing to students. No way-"

That was All For One's last thought. The place blew up a moment later, Shoto and Endeavor were barely able to stand where they were.

All For One was killed.
(No spoilers but where are my manga readers?)

They immediately returned to the real world, in an empty area they recognized. Shoto was the first one who was able to move.

"KATSUKI!" he quickly found him, he was nearly knocked out.

"Hey... Oh, we're back."

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine, just tired as fuck. How come you didn't pass out this time?"

"... You killed him."

"Not exactly. You guys brought him  on death's door, just like planned. That was just the finishing blow."

". . . Are you really Katsuki?"

"How funny. Nine must be somewhere around here. I took him away before you and your father went all out, though he started regaining consciousness so I hit him... maybe a little too hard. He sure won't wake up for a while. But just in case, go find him. I'm not in a state to move."

"That can wait. I'll bring the pros for now."

The pro heroes and Midoriya (reminder, he exists) arrived soon after, and found Nine. He was still unconscious, so the police had no trouble taking him. An ambulance was called for Endeavor, Shoto and Bakugo, though none were in a serious condition.

Midoriya approached Shoto and Bakugo when they were done with reporting to the police.

"You really did it guys! Congratulations! You really are amazing!"

"Thanks, Midoriya." Shoto said.

"... Thanks or whatever." Bakugo mumbled, and even though Midoriya heard him, Shoto prevented him from making any comments with a look.

"You're not even injured seriously, right?"

"No, we're just tired. All three of us used our ultimate moves."

"To think Nine was alive... I really thought we had killed him last time." Midoriya looked at Bakugo and then at the ground, remembering what had happened in the island (the movie Heroes Rising).

"Oh, right. About that..." Bakugo began.

He continued with punching Midoriya in the face.

"DID YOU SERIOUSLY GIVE ME ONE FOR ALL!?" he whisper-yelled, while Shoto held him back.

"... So you... found out? How?"

"Nine had to fucking tell me. Why didn't you? Or All Might?"

"I'm sorry! We just thought it would be better to keep it a secret!"

"No wonder I woke up with my arms broken the next day... I should've guessed. But if you gave it to me back then then how and why don't I have it now?"

"All Might and I were also confused about this (I still am so don't expect an explanation 💁‍♀️💁‍♀️)... I'm sorry. I couldn't think of any other way we could have saved everyone."

"You risked losing your quirk, idiot. Don't be so reckless again."

"But you agreed though!"

"Shut up!"

Shoto laughed, basically watching 5-year-olds fight. Midoriya was still unused to him laugh, so he needed a moment to process it. They talked for a while, before leaving with the pro heroes.


I had planned to upload one chapter yesterday and one today, though it just so happened that I had to wake up with a migraine yesterday... So what did I do?

I watched Attack On Titan for 10 hours straight 😇 (why hasn't my brain killed me yet).
Levi you're a God 🛐 I love you.
Somehow the migraine went away, I ain't got no idea how AOT helped.
Though I did have to upload twice today.

Next chapter will be the final. I know this fight and the previous chapter's -GENERALLY EVERY FIGHT IN THIS STORY- had much more potential, but I had to doubt myself and mess it up 😒 Hope I didn't disappoint y'all too much.

I think that's all-
See y'all next Sunday or sth 💁‍♀️

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