Chapter 8: Damn project (part 5)

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It was now 10:30pm. Bakugo's parents still hadn't returned -for some reason-, so he and Todoroki were the only ones in the house. The rain had yet to stop, and as the weather only seemed to be getting worse, Todoroki decided to check how long the storm would last for.

"Until tomorrow morning? Seriously?" disappointed, he left his phone and sighed.

Then Bakugo came in the room.

"Look Icyhot, you'll obviously stay here tonight. My parents aren't gonna come back today but even so I can't let you sleep in their room. You can't sleep in the couch either, so you're gonna sleep with me. That fine with you?"

Todoroki looked at the floor, so that Bakugo wouldn't see how frightened he was.

"And there's no other option?"

"No, so just deal with it."

"Deal with it? DEAL WITH IT?" Todoroki made a huge effort to act cool, but Bakugo himself was concerned about how the night would go.

"Well... We have hero training tomorrow, so we should rest..." Todoroki got up and left the room, while Bakugo cursed himself and his luck as much as possible. That made him feel a little better, that is, until Todoroki came back. Just the sight of him had Bakugo go through 3 panic attacks per second, and that truly annoyed him. Todoroki then spoke, easing the atmosphere a bit.

"Don't worry, I won't disturb you."

"Didn't expect you to."

Each laid on one side of Bakugo's bed, wondering why they had to go through this (*cough cough* def not because of us Todobaku shippers) and hoping to literally die. Todoroki dozed off pretty quickly, Bakugo was surprised. But his surprise turned into concern when Todoroki started sleep-talking.

"No, let me go... Damn it... I've trained enough... Let me see Toya... I want to talk to Natsu... No, no, no, stop..."

"His siblings? Is he having a flashback?"

"Leave me alone... Just leave me alone... You don't know anything... Mom, I'm not him..."

Bakugo couldn't take any more of it. He felt like if he heard Todoroki's shaking voice once more, he would lose it. Half asleep, he got closer to Todoroki and patted his head. Immediately Todoroki turned around and hugged him, of course having no idea what he was doing, since he was asleep.

"Calm. Down. Take deep breaths. Come on Bakugo, you've been in more tense situations. Relax." repeating this to himself a few times, he was able to calm down.

He looked at Todoroki, worried about what he had heard, though now he seemed peaceful.

"You just need someone, don't you? But you don't even understand that, do you?"

Soon, Bakugo fell asleep too, hugging Todoroki back.

Around 6am, both woke up because of a thunder. They took a while to realize what they were doing.

Todoroki was the first one to react, Bakugo was way too shocked.

"I-I'M SORRY-" he tried to get away, but that was when he realized that Bakugo was also hugging him.

After the (currently) biggest shock of his life was over, Bakugo calmly hugged Todoroki tighter.

"Shut up."

Todoroki was now going through the third heart attack of the day, he could barely talk.

"What... are you doing?..."

"I said shut up Icyhot."

"Did I... talk in my sleep?"

"Don't you get what 'shut up' means? Yes, you were."

"What did I say?..."

Bakugo didn't answer. He knew he shouldn't.

"It's now or never, so just do it. Say it damn it."

He took a deep breath and talked again.

"You told me you're bisexual... so I guess it's only fair I tell you."

Todoroki was, of course, confused.

"Tell me what?" he still hadn't looked at Bakugo, he was too tired to move.

"I'm gay."

After that Todoroki immediately looked at him, getting a 4th heart attack.

"You're... does this mean-"

"It means nothing. Got it? I just thought I'd let you know. And don't you dare tell anyone."

"I won't, but..."

"No. Shut up."

Todoroki was completely lost. 'It means nothing'? How could Bakugo even say that in such a situation? He moved a little away from Bakugo and looked at him. He was staring at the ceiling, looking just as lost. Then Bakugo looked back at him. Around 5 minutes went by, they still hadn't looked away from each other. Another thunder was heard.

Bakugo looked outside.

"This damn storm hasn't stopped yet?"

"I guess not..." Todoroki looked outside too, it was still dark but the rain could be heard very well. "What time is it?"

Bakugo checked his phone.

"It's 6:30. We need to get up at 7 so I really don't know what we should do now."

"Well, we'll just have to get up sooner..." although Todoroki said that, he didn't even try to get up.

Another thunder was then heard, much louder than the previous two.

"Damn it." Bakugo looked outside annoyed. "Even if we want to sleep, we can't." he looked at the ceiling again, while Todoroki looked at him.

Bakugo eventually realized it.

"What are you looking at me for Icyhot?"

"Nothing. Just looking at you."

"That's what I told you yesterday you damn-..." to his surprise, Bakugo didn't complete his thought. He didn't feel like he wanted to. "DAMN IT WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME?"

They looked at each other again, slowly dozing off until Bakugo's alarm woke them up.

"Well NOW we have to get up." Bakugo got up, and so did Todoroki.

By 7:30am they were ready, but had to wait for the rain to stop. Seeing that there was no end to it, Bakugo gave up.

"The rain won't stop, so we'd better just leave now that it's not that intense."

"Yeah." Todoroki followed Bakugo.

Neither of them realized that Kirishima, who lived close, saw them leave Bakugo's house together. He called Mina.

"Hey, Mina... What exactly have you done?"

Sooo it looks like I permanently borrowed some ideas from a video on Youtube... Here's the link:
It's a video by KeisenKiri, absolute perfection. Check it out if you want :)

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