Chapter 33

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Bakugo took Todoroki and left, before All For One could do anything.

"Retreating?" All For One wondered.

"Bakugo, what are you doing? Let me go. We need to get back!"

"Shut up. You can't fight right now, let alone All For One. You'll stay away from him."

"What are you talking about? You can't handle him on your own!"

"I can and I will, now shut up."

Todoroki kicked him with his elbow, forcing him to let go of him.

"You are not fighting All For One alone. I won't let you."

"... Go to Hell. I'm not letting you fight him."

This time, Todoroki punched him.


"Are you gonna keep beating me u-"

Bakugo didn't finish his sentence. His attention was on Todoroki's left arm, which was on fire.

"..." Todoroki stayed silent, looking at the fire.

"No wonder you have enough energy to act like that. Your quirk is back, so your fever is gone."

"At any case, you deserved that beating."

"Whatever. So what are we gonna do about All For One?"

Todoroki took a while to think.

"Damn it. If Yaoyorozu was here, we would be able to come up with a plan that could succeed. Neither Bakugo nor I can come up with something that might actually work."

"Oi Icyhot, this isn't the time to space out." Bakugo lightly hit him on the head. "Come on, I'm waiting."

"Why are you even counting on me to come up with a plan? Do I look like a pro or something?"

"Out of the two of us, you're the one who'll do better. We don't have all day. And we can't hope a pro will come help us, it's just you and me in this damn place. So COME UP WITH SOMETHING ALREADY!"

Before Todoroki could say anything, a loud noise came from in front of them. When the two looked, they were left speechless.

"For once, your yelling has actually proved helpful, Bakugo."

"ENDEAVOR!?" Bakugo yelled again, lost.

"... How did you get here?" Shoto asked, much calmer.

"For a moment, I was able to enter this dimension. Just a minute ago or two. Did anything important happen at that time?"

"I don't think so..." Shoto couldn't recall anything, instead, Bakugo did.

"Your quirk came back. Your Fire. That must have been it."

"Oh, right."

"But it doesn't make sense... Why would something like this happen? Can't All For One control this quirk as well as Nine?"

"He might have done it on purpose." Endeavor answered. "If Shoto had temporarily lost his Fire, All For One could have been forced to give it back to him in order to steal it permanently."

"We don't even know how I lost it in the first place." Shoto thought.

"Well now that you're here we might at least have an actual chance at defeating that bastard." Bakugo said, changing the subject. "So what are we gonna do?"

"First, is Nine still here?"

"Yes. But he's knocked out. This dimension only exists because All For One has the quirk as well. If we take him out, the dimension will be gone."

"I see. So you took Nine out?"

"Of course." Bakugo said, annoyed this time. "What are we gonna do about All For One?"

"We'll need you to finish him off, Bakugo. That is, after Shoto and I bring him on death's door. Charge up your quirk while the two of us distract him."

"So you're betting everything on me?"

"Is there a problem?"

"... 'course not."

"Let's go then."

The three looked around for All For One, and found him quickly enough.

"A pro?" he thought . "How did Endeavor get here?... Was it when I returned Fire to Todoroki? Well... No matter. I'll just steal his quirk instead of his son's. His should be stronger."

"All For One..." Endeavor said, walking to his direction. Shoto was about to follow.

"Shoto." Bakugo stopped him by grabbing his wrist.

Shoto looked at him.

"Die and I'll kill you. Got it?"

Shoto looked at him and laughed.


Bakugo let go of his wrist and stepped back, knowing All For One was about to turn into toast.


This chapter is shorter than usual because I'll upload a second one today.

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