Chapter 30

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The fight with Kurogiri didn't last long. Midnight was able to get him with her quirk before he had time to escape, though instead of passing out, Kurogiri's fog began mixing with Midnight's quirk. Thirteen sucked up the new fog before questioning what had happened.

"I need to return to the police with Kurogiri as soon as possible. You two go help Eraser Head and Endeavor." she said, and left right after Midnight's nod.

"Okay Mic. It's time for us to go."

"Man, I didn't even do anything." Mic complained.

"What you can do is stop wining and help find our currently missing students." she dragged him out of the building, then they both ran to Aizawa and Endeavor's location.

[With Todobaku.]

"Where are we?" Todoroki looked around, observing the place. It looked like an underground facility, though there wasn't and light.

Todoroki used his Fire to lighten the place up. Even with a light on (🎶 and I will Leave A Light On~🎶), nothing was in sight apart from Bakugo and Shigaraki. Shigaraki seemed shocked at first, as if he was confused by what was going on as well.

"Really, master?" he sighed, and used Decay (that's the name of Shigaraki's quirk) on an old chair next to him. "I thought you would let me do this alone."

"'Master'?"... Bakugo repeated, and looked at Todoroki who was looking right back at him. They knew who Shigaraki was referring to.

"Don't worry Tomura, I won't disturb your little game." All For One's voice was heard. He was also in the room.

Todoroki turned his Fire to the voice's direction, to see All For One walking towards the three.

"All For One..." Bakugo got ready to use his quirk, but Todoroki stopped him by holding his hand down.

"This isn't a good idea Katsuki. Think of where we are."

"We don't know where we are, idiot."

"Exactly. We can't take risks. We need to find a way out."

"Tch..." Bakugo stopped the explosions in his palm, and glared at All For One.

"What are you making that face for, kid? We haven't hurt you yet, have we?"

"Shut up you bastard. What do you want from us."

"Well, I thought you would have figured it out already. You're supposed to be sharp. I want your quirks."

There was silence for a few moments.

"You see, in all of my years I've been stealing quirks which you could call... 'advanced'. But now, I am looking for quirks based on Elements. You two are the perfect match. Fire to fuel insanely strong explosions, and ice to avoid overheating."

"Tch... As if we'll let you take our quirks."

"Katsuki. Don't talk so freely in this situation."

"What, never been abducted before Icyhot? You'll get used to it."

Todoroki sighed.

"You see, even this quirk that brought you here isn't perfect." All For One continued. "There is a way to get out of here, and there's nothing I would be able to do about it."

"So this isn't a real place?" Todoroki asked.

"It's what you could call a dimension that was just created. Nothing but an underground facility brought into existence out of nothing."

"And how do we get out fuckass." Bakugo said, rather than ask.

"One of you two has to call out a truth about themselves. If it weren't for the girl's soft personality, the quirk I stole from her would be much more efficient. Getting out wouldn't be this easy. But, the way society has evolved, saying a truth about yourself is considered a real challenge. Foolish... but it will do. Now Tomura, I want you to bring them on the verge of death. Make sure you don't kill them off before I have taken their quirks."

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