Chapter 14: The Bakugo family

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The next day it was weekend, Saturday. There were no lessons, so class 1A decided to go shopping again. However, Todoroki and Bakugo, yet again, didn't follow the rest.

"We have work to do, so we can't join you. Sorry Midoriya." Todoroki was the one who informed them, and after they left, he met up with Bakugo.

"Will you call them now?"

"Yeah." Bakugo took his phone and called his mother, nervous. He put the phone on speaker.

[Conversation between Mitsuki and Bakugo with Todoroki following.]

M(itsuki): Bakugo? What's up?
B(akugo): Hey old hag, I'm here with Todoroki. Can he come home with me?
M: Why of course. He's welcome anytime.
B: 'kay, we're coming over.
M: I'll be waiting then.

[Bakugo hangs up.]

[With Mitsuki.]


Mitsuki informed her husband and after a while they were waiting for Bakugo and Todoroki.

[With Bakugo and Todoroki.]

"You heard her Icyhot, we're going."


"Is something up?"

"It's just... We already know my old man won't take it well, what if your parents don't either?"

Bakugo looked at Todoroki as if he had asked some sort of impossible physics question. Then he looked down.

"I can't know how they'll take it for sure. But they'll probably be supportive."

"Right. Let's go then."

Around twenty minutes later they arrived at Bakugo's house. His mother greeted them (or just Todoroki lol).

"Hello Shoto! How's your day been?"

"Hello miss Bakugo. It's been great. How about you?"

"Mine's just getting started..."


"Nothing! Please come in!"

Bakugo went in without even looking at his mother, however she didn't mind. She knew why they had come anyway.

After the four gathered in the living room, Bakugo sighed.

"So, Todoroki and I have something to tell you."

"What is it Katsuki? You seem scared, that's not like you at all. Whatever it is, you don't need to worry. Just tell us." his father spoke, seeing Bakugo actually scared for the first time. He was even trembling.

"Well... First, ..." Bakugo hesitated for a few moments. "I'm gay."

"We already knew that." Mitsuki sat next to Bakugo. "It was always clear you weren't interested in girls, so your father and I eventually arrived at that conclusion. But we couldn't be sure, since you had never showed interest in anyone..."

Todoroki looked at Mitsuki suspiciously.


"You don't need to worry about a thing. We support you." Mitsuki patted Bakugo's head, trying to calm him down. Bakugo was on the verge of tears, though he was not sad. He was relieved.

"Apart from that..." he looked at Todoroki, who nodded. "Todoroki and I are dating."

Mitsuki looked at Todoroki and smiled.

"We're just fine with that. You two have nothing to worry about."

"Really?" Bakugo looked at his mother somewhat surprised.

"Of course. But I have to be honest, you're pretty lucky you found someone like Shoto."

"S-shut up."

Todoroki laughed at that.

"Thank you miss Bakugo."

"Just call me Mitsuki. But tell me, does your family know?"

"No... we were planning on telling you first."

"I see... Well, good luck. And remember that you have our support."

Bakugo and Todoroki spent some more time in the house, before returning to the dorms. Entering Bakugo's dorm, both sighed and sat on the floor in front of each other.

"Now we have to tell my family... Honestly I would do anything to avoid that."

"It can't possibly go so bad. Your siblings will be fine with it, your mother probably the same. The only difficulty is... Endeavor."

"I'd like to tell the others first, leave my old man for last. How about that?"

"Sounds good."

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