Chapter 22

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Team 2, aka Eraser Head, Present Mic and Monoma, reached Kurogiri's location. To their surprise but also relief, Shigaraki wasn't with him at the moment.

"Shigaraki isn't with Kurogiri? But those two are always together..." Aizawa had a bad feeling regarding Shigaraki's absence, though he had to shrug it off. They were there for Kurogiri.

Kurogiri seemed to be looking at some papers, from what Mic could tell they were reports that had to do with heroes and UA students. Aizawa looked at Monoma, who quickly copied his quirk and hid elsewhere in the room they were in. Then, Mic made a sound.


Kurogiri immediately turned around and, upon seeing the hero, brought a knife to his throat. Aizawa took the chance and tried to use his quirk on Kurogiri. It didn't work.

"Just like during the attack in UA... How are we supposed to capture him then?"

He looked at Monoma, who got the message to try Erasure as well. It didn't have any effect on Kurogiri.

"It can't be helped." Aizawa gave up on trying to erase Kurogiri's fog power.

Instead, he waited until the solid part of his body was within his vision. As soon as his spotted it, he immobilised it (with his cloth). His tried his quirk again, still no result. Kurogiri was about to take out a gun he had with him, though he realized it was missing.

"Are you perhaps looking for this?" Monoma waved the gun at Kurogiri, standing on the other edge of the room.

"Three heroes?... No, two heroes and a UA student. I remember you from the Sports Festival."

"My my, I'm flattered."

"Monoma. Stay focused." Aizawa used his cloth and took the knife Kurogiri was holding away, before doing the same with Mic. "Stay focused too, won't you?"

"I thought I could be the distraction!"

"Who said we'd have a distraction. I pretty sure we agreed on a sneak attack."

"You're no fun Aizawa." Mic complained, though Aizawa paid no attention. "How will we get him if you can't use your quirk on him?"

"We can't."


"It's impossible for us to restrain him. That's why..."

"I was called in."

Thirteen appeared, sucking up (💀) Kurogiri's fog with her quirk before he could get away. In the end, only the solid part of his body was left.

"This didn't kill him, right?" Aizawa asked.

"No. He's just trapped. I can release him at any time."


Aizawa used the device they had been given to communicate with the other teams and the police.

[Conversation through device]

Aizawa: Team 2 is done. Kurogiri is captured. Where can we help?

Endeavor: This is Endeavor. Our team will need your help.

A: How many of us do you need?

E: Just you is enough. We need your quirk.

A: On my way.

[End of conversation.]

Aizawa left Monoma to Mic and Thirteen, who would go back to the police. He headed to team 1.

Team 1 had now reached Dabi's location. He was in an open field, nothing could be seen around.

"Weird." Shoto commented. "It's almost as if he knew..."

"As if he knew we were coming?" Bakugo completed his sentence. "Yeah. For all we know he could be here waiting for us."

Endeavor looked somewhat troubled as well.

"Judging by where we are, he's definately been waiting for us. Aizawa is on his way here."

Bakugo knew his next words could get him killed, but he truly didn't care.

"Just make sure you fight this time, old man." he mumbled, Shoto barely heard him, even though he was next to him, and had to supress a laugh.

"I will, Bakugo. You can be sure of it." Endeavor responded, surprising both.

Since logic and timeline in this story don't exist... could you ignore it? :'D
At this point just try to go along with the plot... because it seems I have a really big issue with the timeline. Please bare with that :)

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