Chapter 16: I'll save you

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[Please make sure you read the notes at the end of the chapter, to understand some vital stuff.]

On Monday, news about a villain spread. The villain had apparently stayed hidden for years, but had now begun taking action. At UA, it was what everyone talked about.

"Hey Todoroki, have you heard about the new villain who started acting?" Midoriya approached Todoroki as soon as he walked in the school.

"Yeah. But I'm not really interested. New villains appear all the time."

"But this one is extremely dangerous. His first crime known by the public was a burnt hospital."


"He has your quirk, fire. His name is Dabi."

"Dabi, huh? Never heard of him."

"Well, let's get to class for now."

During class, Aizawa seemed more tense than usual. Mina noticed it and didn't miss the chance to ask about it.

"Mr. Aizawa, is something wrong?"

"Focus on the lesson Mina. Today we have rescue training."

"What? Again!?"

"There's been a sudden change by the principal. Normally you wouldn't have hero training for this week, but he changed his mind yesterday."

"At least we'll escape boring classes." Sero commented, and Kaminari agreed.

"Get your hero costumes, we'll meet outside after the break."

The bell rang, and after the break was over, the class met outside the USJ.

"Okay class, I'll be supervising you along with Aizawa." Thirteen and Aizawa were already there. "We'll split you in teams of three. The first team will be Todoroki, Bakugo and Midoriya."

(We don't need the rest, do we now?)

Bakugo glared at Midoriya, though Todoroki distracted him before he could kill anyone.

"Bakugo. It's just training. Calm down."


They were sent in as the first team, Todoroki walked in between the other two to prevent any conflicts. However, as soon as they were out of the others' sight, blue flames surrounded the building. The three were trapped inside.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?" Bakugo yelled, while Todoroki stared at the flames lost.

"Todoroki! TODOROKI!" Midoriya tried to 'wake him up', but Todoroki didn't react.


"What- sorry, I spaced out."


"Well- I-" Todoroki paused.


"You feel it, don't you?" a voice was heard from behind them. Bakugo and Midoriya turned to the person, while Todoroki had to hear the next words to finally face him. "You feel a connection with these flames, don't you? Little brother."

Hearing that, Todoroki turned around immediately.

"Little... what?"

"Th-that's Dabi!" Midoriya yelled. "That's the villain! I've seen pictures of him!"

"My my, one burnt hospital and I'm already famous? Isn't that great, Shoto?"

"Who are you. Why are you calling me Shoto." Todoroki activated his flames, though he wasn't very confident they'd have any effect.

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