Do I Wanna Know?

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( I'll be writing this one a little different from my previous works ;) )


Wednesday's POV

After solving the Joseph Crackstone mystery and saving everyone from getting killed, it was great to finally get a break. But the story wasn't over yet. I had a new mystery to solve, but this time, no one wanted to get involved. Not even my roommate, Enid.

Despite my disgust at the feeling, I couldn't shake this growing intimacy and affection for someone. I wanted to know where it'll lead.

Do I wanna know?

As I prepared to head home, Xavier approached me with a smartphone. With a puzzled frown, I accepted the gift—it was generous, that much I had to admit.

"You can text me if needed or if you want to," he said, handing the device over in a small box.

"Bold of you to assume I would text you," I replied with a scowl, turning away from him.

Upon further reflection, I decided that it wouldn't hurt to text Xavier if I needed any help regarding my strange feelings.

I mumbled a thank you to the boy who had given me the phone before departing the Academy. My mind was filled with questions that I struggled to answer myself, but as I walked out the door, I knew there was at least one person I could turn to for answers.

It was against my nature to be affectionate or rely on anyone. I was an Addams, an independent woman who could take care of myself. But my feelings had become erratic and confusing. I couldn't figure out what I was feeling or why I would want to go back to that Academy.

Was I really in love with my werewolf roommate?

 Was I actually attracted to her, to her voice, her intoxicating perfume, her glances that I couldn't stop stealing? 

I couldn't stop thinking about her either.

I had been deep in thought when my father suddenly opened the car door. I stared back at him, dead eyed, and offered no response. I was still ruminating on my confusing feelings, whether to return to the Academy, and whether I was in love.

My father's words cut through my thoughts.

"My little raven! Welcome home, my daughter."

He spoke in a warm, concerned voice, indicating that he'd heard about the fight between me and Joseph Crackstone.

As more people gathered around me, I felt overwhelmed with their love and greetings. It was nice to know that I had a loving family around me, but I still felt the tug of my confusing feelings.

Eventually, I made my way back to my room—free from any distractions. I turned on the gift from Xavier and decided to text him, as I'd originally planned.

Taking out my phone, I opened it and went straight to Xavier's name in my contacts list. I texted him with a simple message:

"I would like to ask you some questions about these confusing feelings I'm experiencing."

I hit the Send button and began waiting anxiously for his reply.

After sending the text, I sat on my bed and tried to distract myself from the waiting game. But my thoughts kept returning to the strange sensations I was experiencing. I lay on the bed, contemplating my feelings. Why was I so drawn to Enid's voice, her intoxicating perfume, her glances and touches? Was this what it felt like to be in love?

Eventually, my phone alerted me to a new message from Xavier. He had responded.

My heart skipped a beat when I saw the notification from Xavier. I quickly read his message and was relieved to find that he was willing to answer my questions.

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