Jealous Girlfriend

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Enid glanced up from her book as Wednesday entered the room, a noticeable frown etched on her face. Enid knew exactly what had caused that expression - jealousy. It seemed Wednesday couldn't help but feel threatened by her close friend Ajax.

"Hey, Wednesday," Enid greeted, trying to sound casual.

Wednesday crossed her arms and stared at Enid with narrowed eyes. "So, you've been spending quite a lot of time with Ajax lately," she commented, her voice dripping with both suspicion and bitterness.

Enid sighed, setting her book aside. She had anticipated this conversation. "Yes, I have been hanging out with Ajax, but it doesn't mean anything more than friendship, Wednesday."

Wednesday scoffed, clearly not convinced. "Oh please, Enid. I'm not blind. I see the way he looks at you, the way you laugh together."

Enid moved closer, reaching out to hold Wednesday's hands gently. "Wednesday, you're the most important person to me. You know that, right?"

Wednesday looked away, her expression softening slightly. "I hope so."

Enid squeezed Wednesday's hands reassuringly. "There's no reason for you to be jealous, love. Ajax and I are just friends. He's been there for me since we were high school, but our bond has always been platonic. I've never felt about him the way I feel about you."

Wednesday hesitated, her gaze meeting Enid's. "But what if he wants something more? You two have so much history together."

Enid smiled affectionately. "Wednesday, trust me when I say that there's no one I want to be with other than you. You complete me in a way no one else can. Our love is unique and special."

Wednesday's guard started to melt away, uncertainty still lingering in her eyes. "But can you promise me that you'll prioritize our relationship?"

Enid placed a gentle hand on Wednesday's cheek, her touch soothing and reassuring. "I promise, Wednesday. You are my priority, now and always. No amount of history or friendship can ever replace what we have."

Wednesday's tense muscles relaxed, and a flicker of a smile appeared on her face. "Okay, Enid. I trust you."

Enid leaned in, pressing a tender kiss to Wednesday's lips. "Thank you, Wednesday. I love you more than words can express."

As they embraced, their bodies entwined, Enid hoped that this conversation had assuaged Wednesday's jealousy. They still had hurdles to overcome, but Enid was determined to prove her love over and over again.

(few weeks later)

Enid could feel the tension in the air as Wednesday walked into the room. It had been a few weeks since their last conversation about Ajax, but Enid sensed that Wednesday's jealousy had not completely dissipated.

"Wednesday," Enid greeted, her voice filled with warmth.

Wednesday responded with a curt nod, her eyes avoiding any direct contact with Enid. The atmosphere was thick with unspoken emotions, and Enid knew it was time to address the underlying issue once again.

"I can sense that there's still some unease between us," Enid began gently, taking Wednesday's hand in hers.

Wednesday sighed, her lips pursed. "It's just hard for me, Enid. I see how close you and Ajax are, and sometimes I can't help but wonder if he means more to you."

Enid squeezed Wednesday's hand, trying to convey her sincerity. "Wednesday, I understand why you feel that way. But I want you to know that there's nothing romantic between Ajax and me. He's been my friend for a long time, yes, but it's you who holds my heart."

Wednesday's eyes flickered with vulnerability. "Can you blame me for feeling insecure? It's difficult not to compare myself to him."

Enid leaned in closer, her voice filled with tenderness. "Wednesday, you are incomparable. The way you make me feel, the love we share, it's like nothing I've ever experienced before. There's no competition. You have my heart completely."

Wednesday's guard started to crumble. "But sometimes I worry that I'm not enough for you, that I can't measure up to what you had with Ajax."

Enid cupped Wednesday's face, her touch gentle yet firm. "Wednesday, you are more than enough for me. Our relationship is built on trust, understanding, and deep love. Those are the foundations that no one else can replace."

A tear slid down Wednesday's cheek, and Enid wiped it away with her thumb. "I'm sorry, Enid. I let my insecurities get the best of me."

Enid smiled softly, her eyes filled with affection. "We all have our moments of doubt, Wednesday. What matters is that we face them together."

Wednesday nodded, her expression softening. "I love you, Enid. And I trust you."

Enid leaned in for a heartfelt kiss, their spirits intertwining. "I love you too, Wednesday. Thank you for trusting me and allowing me to reassure you. We'll navigate through these feelings together."

As they held each other, Enid hoped that this conversation would bring them even closer. Insecurity and jealousy were battles that they would continually face, but Enid was determined to show Wednesday that their love would always conquer those doubts.

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