Lowkey Relationship

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Wednesday sat at her usual lunch table, enjoying her chicken sandwich and soda, when suddenly she felt someone tap her shoulder from behind. She looked up to see Enid, the one she's been silently crushing on ever since they met. Without saying a word, Enid sat down beside her, and they both continued eating in silence.

Wednesday couldn't stop smiling as she glanced over at Enid every now and then. She knew that Enid felt the same way about her, but they both kept it to themselves. They both knew that if anyone found out about their relationship, it could ruin everything.

Suddenly, Wednesday saw Xavier walking towards the lunchroom. She quickly looked away, hoping he wouldn't notice them sitting together. But Xavier, being Xavier, always found a way to be a nuisance.

"Hey there, Wednesday," Xavier said with a smug smile as he approached their table.

"Xavier, what do you want?" Wednesday asked, trying to keep her tone cold.

Enid rolled her eyes, "Can you just leave us alone?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, is little Wednesday getting annoyed by me?" Xavier chuckled.

Wednesday tried to ignore him, but he just kept bothering them.

"I know you two are seeing each other," Xavier finally said, causing both Wednesday and Enid to look up at him in shock.

"We-... well..." Enid started, but Wednesday quickly cut her off.

"No, we're not," Wednesday said with a firm tone, trying to hide her feelings towards Enid.

But suddenly, all of their friends appeared at their table, and Xavier pointed at Wednesday and Enid.

"See? I told you they're dating!" Xavier said, causing everyone to gasp.

Wednesday and Enid looked at each other, both of them knowing that there was no point in hiding it anymore. So, they just continued their lunch in silence, with all their friends and Xavier watching them.Everyone at the lunch table was quiet, looking at Wednesday and Enid. Enid was looking down at her food, feeling embarrassed, while Wednesday was looking right at Enid, staring at her in a way that made her feel uncomfortable. After a few seconds of awkward silence, Wednesday let out a small sigh and dropped her gaze.

"I guess we should tell them," she said quietly, looking at Enid. Enid nodded, feeling a little relieved that Wednesday was the one to bring it up.

"Okay, everyone," Wednesday said, clearing her throat and standing up from her seat. "Enid and I do have something to tell you all." She took a deep breath before continuing. "Enid and I are in a relationship. We've been seeing each other for a while now, but we've kept it a secret because we weren't sure how you would react."

The room was filled with gasps and murmurs of surprise. No one had expected this revelation, but they accepted it nonetheless. Wednesday's friends were happy for them both, while Xavier just rolled his eyes, not believing what he was hearing.

"Well, there you have it," Wednesday said, ending the silence. Everyone clapped and cheered in support of the two.

Enid smiled softly, looking up at Wednesday, who was still standing beside her. They both felt a weight lifted off their shoulders now that everyone knew about their relationship. They could finally be themselves, together, and not have to hide their feelings anymore.As the news spread throughout the school, Wednesday and Enid were surprised to see that not everyone was surprised by their relationship. In fact, many people had already guessed that they were together.

Wednesday and Enid felt relieved that they no longer had to hide their feelings, but they also felt a little embarrassed that everyone already knew about them. Enid couldn't help but blush as people made jokes and teased them about their relationship.

Despite the awkwardness, Wednesday and Enid were happy to be together and not have to keep their love a secret. They spent the rest of the day holding hands and leaning on each other, feeling comfortable to be themselves in front of everyone.

As the day went on, Wednesday and Enid realized that keeping their relationship a secret had been putting a strain on them. They were both relieved to finally be open about their feelings and not have to worry about hiding their love anymore.

From that day on, Wednesday and Enid were able to be themselves, together, without the fear of being judged or ridiculed. They had each other and that was all that mattered.

(i missed updating, I've been busy with my studies :<)

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