Name Wars

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(this is unedited so, yeah :>)


"What should we name the puppy?" Wednesday asked, bouncing the adorable ball of fur in her lap.
Enid didn't even stop browsing her phone. "I don't know... call it Spot? Or Fluffy?"

Wednesday scowled, disappointed by Enid's lack of enthusiasm. "Those are so boring. Something more unique, maybe? Like Storm or Mayhem?"
Enid rolled her eyes. "What are we, in middle school? Let's go for something softer. Like Rose or Honey."

Wednesday scoffed, not impressed with Enid's suggestions. She ran her fingers through her hair, pondering her own name choices. "Ugh, this is so stressful. How about... Shadow? Dark? Raven?"

Enid smirked, glancing up from her phone. "You got any more goth names in your list?"
Wednesday blushed, a little embarrassed by her edgier choices. "Fine, fine. Um. How about... Luna? Or Stella?" Enid chuckled, amused by Wednesday's attempt at a compromise.

"Okay. You win. Those are adorable." Wednesday sighed, giving up the Name Wars.
Enid smirked victorious, content with her victory. Together, they both smiled at the adorable little puppy, knowing they had finally found the right name.

"Luna is perfect," Enid said as she pet the puppy's tiny head. Wednesday nodded, finally glad at the idea of a name they both could agree on. They gave each other a sweet smile, happy to have found a compromise. As they played with their adorable puppy, Luna, their differences vanished over the sound of her playful barks.


Update?? Hehe a very short update. I'm too lazy aaaaaa tomorrow is my birthday though I'm not happy. It's just like a normal day for me ksksks.

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