Romantic Bubble

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(hi! It's been a long time ^^)

Softie wednesday ahead!


Wednesday and Enid sat in a Ferris-wheel capsule, the ride slowly ascending. The sky started to darken, and Enid looked at Wednesday with her big puppy eyes, her hands trembling slightly from fear.
"I'm scared, will you hold my hand?" Wednesday asked, noticing her fear, and Enid immediately clasped her hand tightly, clinging to her for reassurance.

"We'll be fine," Wednesday soothed, trying to keep Enid's fears at bay. She looked down and noticed how much their hands fit together like a puzzle. She couldn't help but feel butterflies in her stomach, her heart beating frantically as she felt Enid's soft skin brushing against her own.

Their hands stayed together as the ride continued to go up. The wind started blowing harder, but Wednesday held on to Enid's hands firmly, keeping her safe and secure. She felt her heart fluttering, her emotions overwhelming her as she realized how much she had fallen for Enid. "I never knew I could care so much for someone," Wednesday admitted, gazing at Enid's angelic face as the Ferris-wheel capsule continued its climb.

Wednesday saw Enid's eyes glaze over, her breath coming out in frantic short breaths as she remained focused on their interlocked hands. She felt her own breath catch in her throat, her heart racing wildly as she imagined kissing Enid's soft cheeks and plump lips. She couldn't help but feel the butterflies in her stomach, her entire body heating up as she felt her feelings for Enid growing stronger with each passing moment.

Enid remained silent, her hands trembling as a flurry of complex emotions ravaged her mind. She felt her heart thumping forcefully in her chest as Wednesday's eyes slowly moved from her hands up to her face. As their eyes met, everything else faded away into nothingness, leaving only the two of them. They couldn't help but feel the chemistry that sparked between them, and their hearts pounded with excitement as the ride reached its pinnacle. They looked at each other lovingly, knowing they had discovered something special between them.

As the Ferris-wheel capsule slowly began to descend, Wednesday couldn't help but notice the butterflies fluttering in her stomach. She also noticed Enid was looking at her with longing in her eyes, the air charged with emotion. Wednesday leaned in for a kiss, gently brushing her lips against Enid's, sending sparks down their bodies. They remained locked in a deep kiss until the ride came to a halt, and when they broke apart, both were panting heavily, their cheeks flushed with an intoxicating romance.

Wednesday and Enid sat in their own bubble of romance, their hands still clasped together as they exchanged shy glances at each other. They couldn't help but feel their hearts fluttering in their chests, their excitement and infatuation growing by the second.
After a while, Wednesday finally found the courage to break the silence, "May I ask you a question?"

"Of course, what would you like to ask?" Enid nodded, her heart beating fast as she was eager to hear Wednesday's words. Wednesday took in Enid's angelic face, her cheeks flushed with a blush of excitement. She took a deep breath before she spoke, "Do you like me the way I like you? Or was what we shared in the Ferris-wheel just a one-time, fleeting feeling?"

"Oh, I don't view anything we shared as fleeting," Enid replied, her lips curling into a shy smile. "I've liked you for a while now, but I didn't know how to express it. But now, I can see clearly that there's something special between us. I feel my heart beat faster every time I see your sweet face, and I find myself grinning like a fool whenever I think of you. I want to be with you, Wednesday. I want to share my life with you. Will you make me the happiest girl alive?"

Wednesday smiled softly, her heart filling with butterflies. "Of course, sweetheart," she replied, squeezing Enid's hand tightly. "I've felt the same way all this time, and all I wanted was a sign that you felt the same. I am now beyond excited to start a relationship with you. I will love you forever, and I feel so lucky to have found someone as special as you."
Enid grinned widely, her heart fluttering with euphoria. "It feels as though the stars have all aligned," she admitted. "I have never felt so happy and so in love."

Wednesday and Enid continued to walk hand-in-hand through the amusement park, the darkness of the night surrounding them. They felt as though they were on a cloud, their feelings of affection growing stronger with each passing moment. They couldn't help but feel giddy with joy, the entire world melting away around them as they focused solely on each other.
Enid squeezed Wednesday's hand tighter, her heart pounding with excitement. "I want to spend every moment with you," she admitted. It felt as though time itself had stopped for the moment, and the two of them were lost in a romantic utopia.

They both walked in this surreal, romantic bubble, their hearts beating loudly as they took in the night. They couldn't help but feel a rush of adrenaline, their bodies flooded with euphoria. They had discovered real, genuine affection for each other, and it felt like a fairy tale. Suddenly, a warm breeze blew through the park, its softness tickling their skin as it passed by. Both Wednesday and Enid felt as if this breeze was a sign, an indication of their destiny together.
So they continued walking hand-in-hand, their future ahead of them.

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