Black and Crimson

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Wednesday  sat in her room, surrounded by her collection of black dresses, contemplating the darkness that was her wardrobe. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.

Enid stepped into the room, wearing an outfit that seemed to defy Wednesday's expectations. She wore a deep crimson dress, accentuated by a black lace choker and matching gloves. Her dark hair was adorned with a single crimson rose.

Wednesday's eyes widened in surprise. "Enid, what are you wearing?"

Enid twirled playfully, the fabric of her dress flowing around her. "I thought I'd surprise you, Wednesday. I know how much you love the color black, so I decided to wear something in your favorite shade."

Wednesday stared at Enid, her usually stoic expression breaking into a smile. "You did this for me?"

Enid nodded, a mischievous glint in her eye. "Of course! I thought it would be fun to step out of my comfort zone and wear something different. Besides, I wanted to show you that black doesn't have to be the only beautiful color in the world."

Wednesday approached Enid and examined the dress with newfound curiosity. "It is... exquisite. I never considered that another color could hold such beauty."

Enid wrapped her arm around Wednesday's shoulders, a warm gesture amidst the darkness. "There's beauty in every color, Wednesday, just as there is beauty in every soul. It's all about embracing the contrasts and finding harmony within them."

Wednesday's eyes softened, and she leaned into Enid's side. "Thank you, Enid. Your gesture reminds me that even in darkness, there can be moments of unexpected light."

Enid smiled and winked. "I'm glad. Life is too short to confine ourselves to a single hue, both in fashion and in experiences. Let's explore the shades of life together."

As they left the room and walked down the hallways of the Academy, Wednesday and Enid became an unexpected sight. The contrast of Enid's crimson against Wednesday's black drew curious glances from their peers.

But instead of feeling uncomfortable, Wednesday held her head high, proud to be seen with Enid in her vibrant attire. She realized that their differences were what made them stand out, two unique souls bonding in the most unexpected of ways.

Together, Wednesday and Enid ventured into the unknown, embracing colors beyond their initial preferences. As they walked hand in hand, the whispers of their classmates faded away, replaced by the melody of their laughter.

In that moment, Wednesday understood that black and crimson could coexist beautifully, just as she and Enid had discovered their own unique harmony.

And so, the duo continued their journey, exploring the world through their own lens of dark elegance and vibrant splendor, celebrating the beauty found in both the shadows and the light.

(another short update T_T)

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