More Than Friends

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Wednesday Addams was sitting in her class at Nevermore Academy, staring out the window at the rain falling outside. She had lived her whole life alone, never trusting anyone, never caring about anyone but herself. That is, until the new girl Enid Sinclair showed up. She was the exact opposite of Wednesday; vibrant, bubbly, and always smiling.


"Yes, wednesday?"

"I-I.. Nevermind, Goodnight enid."

"Goodnight wens"

Despite their differences, Wednesday couldn't help but be drawn to Enid. There was something about her that made Wednesday want to be around her all the time. And the more time they spent together, the more Wednesday realized that she actually cared about Enid.

"Enid! What happened to your knee?"

"ouch, I just skinned my knee a while ago," enid explained while hissing in pain.

"falling for ajax.." Wednesday just stared at her blankly with her disgusted face and walked out of their dorm.

Enid, on the other hand, was smitten with Wednesday from the moment she laid eyes on her. She was intrigued by her dark personality and mysterious nature, and she made it her mission to break down Wednesday's walls and get to know the real her.

"Uhm, wens?"

"You call me that again and I will put your head on a stick and feed it to my piranhas."

"sorry, but I'm cold. Can I sleep with you?"

The latter felt excited and jumped at the shorter girl's bed, making the girl startled by the sudden act.

"gossip this to anyone and you'll find your head on a stick."

"I'm sorry, okay. Can we stop talking about my head on a stick?! I might have a nightmare"


"Goodnight, addams"

"Goodnight, Sinclair."

As they grew closer and closer, Wednesday started to realize that she had feelings for Enid that went beyond just friendship. And Enid realized that her feelings for Wednesday were the same. They both knew that they were falling in love with each other, but they were both too scared to say it out loud.

However, as they walked down the school hallways, holding hands, it was clear that they were more than just friends. They were in love, deep and true, and they knew that their love would stand the test of time.

As Wednesday and Enid continued to explore their feelings for each other, they both felt a sense of happiness that they had never experienced before. It was like they were in their own little world, just the two of them. They walked hand in hand, exploring the grounds of Nevermore Academy, enjoying each other's company. And as they sat on a bench, just staring at each other in silence, they both knew what they wanted to say but couldn't bring themselves to say it out loud.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Wednesday managed to say the words, "Enid, I love you." And Enid, with tears in her eyes, replied, "Wednesday, I love you too."

And with that, Wednesday and Enid knew that their love was more than just a passing fling. It was a love that would endure for years to come, a love that would withstand any obstacle. They were each other's person, and they knew that they would always be there for each other, no matter what.

As they walked back to their dorm rooms, hand in hand, they both knew that their love story was just beginning. And they both knew that they were exactly where they belonged, with each other.

As the weeks went by, Wednesday and Enid found that they were inseparable. They spent every moment together, enjoying each other's company and getting to know each other on a deeper level. But despite their love for each other, they both knew that they had to be careful. They lived in a world where their love was not accepted, and they didn't want to put themselves or each other in danger.

But that didn't stop them from expressing their love for each other in small ways. They would leave each other secret notes and surprise each other with small gifts, anything to show that they cared and were thinking of each other. And as they spent more time together, they found that they were falling even deeper in love.

But their love was not without its challenges. They both had to deal with the pressure of keeping their relationship a secret, and that took a toll on them both. But they knew that their love was worth fighting for, and they were determined to face any challenge that came their way, together.

As they continued to navigate their relationship, they both found that they were growing and becoming better people. Wednesday was learning to trust and open up, while Enid was learning to be more independent and confident. And as they continued to support and encourage each other, they both knew that their love was something that would last a lifetime.

Despite the challenges they faced, Wednesday and Enid knew that their love was their strength. They were each other's rock, and they knew that they would always be there for each other, no matter what. And as they walked into the sunset, hand in hand, they both knew that their love story was just beginning.

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