Chapter 34- The Wilds

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"Welcome to the wilds"

At that, adrien leaped, shifting mid air and raced deep into the forest...

Third Person's POV

"Adrien!" Xavier yelled as his eyes glowed yellow, signaling his wolf on the surface,
He had already started sprouted fur about to race after his mate but mael pulled him back.

"What is your problem... you're stopping me from getting to my mate" he finished, his wolf still present while putting emphasis on his claim.

"Calm your wolf down, if you go after him... he'll never come back but if you stay here and be his anchor, he'll come back" mael finished, crossing his arm with a frown.

"What do you mean by that, what is this place?" Alexandra asked while looking at the direction adrien ran off to.

"This is a sanctuary, it was made by the goddess gaia, it pulses with her magic so basically the forest is alive" he explained.

"How does that have to do with my mate" xavier snapped.

"Why do you think adrien suggested we stop here, why do you think he was so happy even after complaining of fatigue?" Mael asked.

With a glare from xavier, not appreciating the question, mael answered.

"Almost if not all earth creatures, were created here, this was were the creatures of legend were created, original home of giants, dryads, werecats, elves and nine tailed foxes" he said drawing out the last part.

Then it clicked,

"This is his home" i breathed out, looking around.

"Not quite, this is were native kitsune were created, so for him it's like a place he has always been missing but never came" andrea said walking towards us.

"There are two things now that matters most in his life,

This forest, and his mate besides he can't stay away from his mate for long, the bond's too strong, so he'll definitely be back" mael finished and xavier visibly calmed down.

"So what's the history or connection between this place and your coven?" Dominic asked as he snaked his hand from my back, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"As more humans emerged, gaia felt threatened by the numbers, they cut down forest trees for buildings, spray chemicals everywhere and hunted forest animals,
Mother Gaia couldn't find the perfect place for her creation.
Until she was visited by the moon goddess selene, who led her to the deepest part of the forest in the north, where the snow will be unbearable.
But gaia was pleased picturing how her sanctuary will be formed.

So she built this place, wiping its existence from maps and navigators, this is like another dimension filled with the purest earth magic, thus everything is as it should have been, huge rich trees, huge animals, like in the past, it also gave her the chance with the help of other gods and goddesses to make us... mystical creatures.

"So your coven..." Claire drifted off, looking at mael expectantly.

"There were two things i said,

One, spiritus luna are a coven of spirit witches,

Two, they are hidden from the world" with a pause he continued.

"The original spirit witches were afraid that their magic will soon be eroded with the presence of other types of witches, necromancers, fire witches, elementals and the rest...being a spirit witch meant that they had a firm connection to the realm of the gods, the celestial realm and so, they summoned Gaia, pleading with her to shield them and their magic away from the world of men,

After much appeal, mother Gaia granted them their wish.
Spiritus Luna is located at the center of this very forest" mael finished looking upward.

"So if the coven is located here why did you insist on us going any further" Timothy asked.

"This forest looks dead and desolate on the outside but on the inside it's like a different dimension, to the outside world, it covers only a few miles but on the inside, it stretches for miles and we had to get to the center of an endless forest." Mael answered pointedly.

When all questions were answered they journey deeper into the forest with the dragons in their human form behind them, hoping their destination will come sooner rather than later.


Dominic's POV

On any other circumstance, i would have loved to walk this forest with Alexandra on a date.

It was indeed a sanctuary, the air was crisp and pure, the scent of the plants and animal, wafted through the air, untainted.
I could feel the eyes of multiple creatures on us as we walked but i didn't sense any danger.

It has been hours since we rested, the dragons had regained their strength, busy chatting except ryder, who looked at everything and everyone with a glare.

It was mid afternoon as we strolled deeper into the forest after being convinced by mael and ivy on how close we were.
I walked closer to my mate, projecting my calming aura unto her, after noticing her nervousness.

"It's ok, whatever happens, I'm right here" i whispered only to her, she turned flashing me a toothy smile to which i responded with the same.

Walking at a slow pace, the sound of  the forest died down as i felt a strong gust of wind at my side, almost knocking me off my feet.

I turned to the direction and it was a lone figure running at an inhumane speed, i tried to make out the shape,
It was completely black yet i could only see....tails.

I looked forward and noticed that no one had witnessed what just happened, at that i walked ahead of them, unsettled.

Angrily, i turned to mael tired of walking and ready to yell, when he stopped abruptly.

"We're here" he declared.

We all looked forward, seeing two pillars that protruded from the earth, engraved with ancient text and runes, the most prominent, being the symbols of the elements : air, water, fire, and earth.

We could all feel the magic the pillars emitted, pure and untainted.

Andrea walked forward, accompanied by mael, we all stared as her eyes glowed silver, she opened her palms and out of it, a grey flame emerged.
She whispered an incantation in ancient latin and stretch out her hands, the flame going straight to the pillars,
Once it reached the said pillars, it bursted, engulfing the walls of the pillar, forming a door.

The look of surprise was evident on our faces and mael seeing this, smirked as he casually walked into the flame, leaving us behind.

Xavier walked into the flame, after dipping his hand inside to make sure it was safe, everyone one else following him except alexandra and ivy who was looking at us expectantly.

Hand in hand with my mate we walked to the pillar, and she turned to me. "Don't let  go" she whispered planting a kiss on our joined hands.

"Never planned to," i responded, with my wolf present.

With a smile in each of our faces and an aww from ivy, we walked into the flame.

A/N: Finally, they've arrived...

How was it??....


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01 ⏰

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