Chapter 6-Preparations Pt.2

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Alexandra's POV

It seemed as the new moon was drawing near, the days were rolling by faster.
Now it was Thursday and the new moon was supposed to show up on Friday night.

But i just wanted the new moon to pass so all the tension will leave.
The school hall that will be used for the ball was shut, only the workers allowed in and out.
No student was allowed near the hall room and no one wanted to go as they feared what the Head master will do to them.

After the little show i unintentionally put up on the first day of school, i was feared and awed by many students.
Whilst i was seen as unstable by some, others saw me as someone with potential.
Even some came to talk to me, an elf, a fairy, an elemental and a shapeshifter like my brother but not a demon.

It was thrilling to communicate with them as they had a lot to say, but i didn't mind.

Also, settling in my dorm was rather quite interesting....


I looked round the dorm numbers to see if i could find mine, which was hard by the way but i finally sighted mine and entered it heaving a sigh.

Looking around the room was hard as it was large like an apartment with a little kitchen of its own.
Noticing how tired i was, i aimlessly walked to the two doors facing each other in a parallel way.
I opened the two of them and saw two queen sized bed inside two of them with a walk in closet, meaning that we were going to be four in this dorm but i couldn't care any less.

Deciding to take the one on the right and placing my bag on the bed,i turned and almost screamed as i saw a not so little fluff ball on the bed.
It let out a squeak and then a grunt as it unfolded from its original position,
I was frozen in fear as i was looking at a fox with white fur while its feet, and the tip of its ear were black, it puffed out its fur and that's when i noticed it had nine tails which also had black tips.
It moved with a certain elegance that made me want to touch it but it scurried out of the bed and landed on the floor.
But instead of a fox being on the floor it was replaced by a blue eyed boy with black shoulder length hair with white tips, but he was very naked.

When reality hit me i cleared my throat and turned around hoping he would get the message and put something on.
But what i saw was hard to unsee, with his tanned skin and slightly muscular build.

Did i forget to mention, he had abs...eight of that matter and a deep v-line to die for, but rather than that he had a more feminine appearance.
I was getting hotter by the minute which left me flustered and i think he noticed as he chuckled and he put on a black vest and basketball shorts.


Turns out his name is Adrien foxx..

I know....the irony....

He is from chicago and he is a nine tailed fox which is so cool.
But we get along so well and talk a lot which i like very much.
I got to meet my other roommate which was a girl, her name is Miriam moire and she was a mermaid.

My last roommate on the other hand, i hadn't gotten the chance to meet them.

I walked into the cafeteria, immediately getting into the line to fill up my plate.
It would have been easy to cast a spell to fill up my tray but i wanted to do it the old fashioned way, being in this school had made me accept the fact that i am not human and will never be, so i focused on doing things witches do often times.
But the more i cast minor spells like i have learnt the more i like it.
Scanning for an empty table, hoping my friends will join me today.
I spotted it and got myself situated but it was hard to miss the snickers and murmurs going round the cafeteria.

"Don't worry 'bout them, they will get tired soon enough"Adrien said as he sat next to me giving me a light nudge.

"I'll try" i replied and looked up to be met with two of my friends looking at me with wide smile whilst xavier was looking at adrien with a warm smile which made the other boy turn red as he looked down.
It was hard to miss the building chemistry between them as the moment they met, they clicked and started talking non stop, but i was happy that Xavier found someone here.

We all sat and started eating while talking, some bickering in between and flirting from  xavier to adrien.

I laughed at a joke timothy whispered in my ear and looked back to see my brother walking to our table.
I turned to hopefully hug him as that was our little tradition whenever we were apart for long.

But what happened drained the smile from my face.

Third person POV

Within the short time Zachary had stayed in the school he had managed to get two tormentor or bullies.
They kept calling him names and sometimes beating him up if he spoke back but his healing abilities were heightened as there will be no mark of the beating he received in the next twenty minutes, doesn't mean it didn't hurt though.

On his way to Alexandra's table, he was tripped.
One moment he was walking with a tray filled with food, topping it with a vanilla flavoured smoothie, the next he was on the floor with his food everywhere and the smoothie on his shirt.
His bullies, the quarterback Jamine blake and Oscar clerkwood were the ones that tripped him, started laughing loudly causing half of the cafeteria to follow suit.

Oh this is bad....

He thought as it was certain Alexandra saw everything and was silently fuming.
Alexandra always tends to blow up at any form of bullying towards him and with her powers growing, the situation got worse.
So he tried to defend himself, standing up to Jamine while glaring at him.

"Oh....what do we have here, little zach has a problem.... what you gonna do about it, Osiris scum" he taunted.

He was about to punch Zachary but his hands were held, he turned around to come face to face with a fuming Alexandra.
She was so angry, one minute she was almost about to see her brother get punched and the scenario in her head brought forth the memory of her mom getting hurt.
She had teleported from her seat and reappeared at Jamine's back not that many noticed, grabbing unto his hand.

"Let go of him, you bitch."Oscar said as he roughly grabbed her shoulder.

Her eyes glowed a deep purple as she sent oscar flying through the air and he landed on the wall on the opposite end of the room, on impact he passed out.
This caused a couple of gasps and a few screams to be drawn out of students as they looked at the scene before their eyes.

No one made an attempt to even carry oscar out of the place, to invested in the show presented before them.

With her glowing eyes she faced Jamine and drew a breath, it was like she absorbed all the heat in the room as it was left freezing.

With a death glare and a cold, chilling voice she said. "Stay away from my brother, unless i will make your life a living hell."

Her statement sent a tidal wave which knocked jamine down and made the students and now teachers gasp sending shivers down their spines.

Not because of the threat, but because there were traces of compulsion and an alpha's command which were only seen in vampires and werewolves. But they all found it hard to believe as this girl wasn't any of the two species.

Apparently, she had drawn the powers from the people in the room with each breath she took, which frightened everyone.
With one last glare she turned around and walked away with her brother hands locked in hers and her friends tailing after her.

Thank God,she didn't have any class left as she was exhausted and after her not so calm conversation with her brother about why she wasn't told that he was being bullied, with her friends trying to calm her down.
She headed for her dorm with Adrien behind her, she fell face first on her bed with a sigh and slept off.

Wishing as the new moon was coming the next day, things will not escalate as it has been for the past few days.

A/N: i guess luck isn't on Alexandra's side as things are about to escalate badly....

Things are about to get messy as the new moon comes with hidden revelations *smirk*

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