Chapter 13- Hello......mate

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Dominic's POV

In the midst of the worry and confusion of many as we walked into my mate's dorm, i was happy.
Happy to hold my mate in my arms, happy to look at her face, it was overwhelming.

I was extremely happy just having the time to look at her whilst she slept.

Call me a creep....

But i have waited four years without her and they were unbearable, just watching those my age then find their mates while i was still waiting for mine was extremely painful.

She started to turn slightly signaling me she's about to wake up.
I positioned myself well wanting to give my Alexandra a good impression.


The sound of her name left me in a daze with a goofy smile but i couldn't help myself.
Her being a witch means she might not feel the bond like other shifters meaning i have to be patient and slow with her but honestly it doesn't matter as i will do anything for her.

"Y'know staring at someone while they sleep is creepy" she said stretching.

"Sorry, how are you feeling"

"Like i was hit by a pick up truck" she said, smiling lightly.
It seemed she hadn't seen who she was talking to yet because as she looked up with clear eyes, she froze.

It was obvious she was checking me out and being an alpha wolf i took pride at the sight of my mate checking me out.

"Hello......mate" i said with a smirk making her eyes snap to mine.
We held eye contact for a while until she cleared her throat.

She stood up wobbling lightly, as she took a step forward, she was hurtling for the ground but i was able to catch her before she touched the ground.
Catching her was an instinct and i didn't hesitate she landed on me with her hands on my chest and my arms on her waist.

It was a compromising position but i savored the feeling while it lasted, the feeling was serene as her body seemed to fit exactly on mine ,the smirk never left my face.

She looked at me again and i swear her eyes glowed a little, the purple orbs drawing me in as i let it.

"You guys realize you need to at least go on three dates before trying to get in each others pants"

I looked at the door way as we were interrupted from our moment.
The boy i learnt is adrien walked into the room chuckling.

Alexandra blushed and it made my insides a good way.

"And how many have you and xavier gone on?" She asked walking back to the bed.

"Two, jealous?" He asked and she just gave him a side glance.

It seemed i was being ignored, but i wasn't complaining as i was enjoying the interaction.

I cleared my throat and he turned to me and i swear his jaw dropped.
He was checking me out and I didn't know what to do as i was infront of my mate.
But i left shocked as Alexandra walked right in front of me, blocking the fox from looking, but what shocked me was the look of disapproval she gave him.

She snapped out of whatever affected her and she turned to me confused and i have her a soft smile.

He put up his hands in surrender and walked to the living room where others were with a  knowing smirk.

Alexandra's POV

If anyone told me that i would wake up being watched by a being sculpted by the gods themselves, of pure masculinity...i would have laughed in your face or i would be pretty much pissed at them for playing with my emotions.
I always knew when people were watching me or trying to sneak up on me, it's like a chill, a shiver but the feeling from being watched by this man was warm and welcoming, it made me want to sink into the bed more.

I kept having glimpses of what had happened before but it was like i was in half control cause normally it would feel like i passed out and woke up without any memory of what happened, so this was a plus for me....... right?.

When he spoke it made my inside warm and fuzzy, i tried to hide my blush continuously with my red hair but it seems it did nothing as the smirk didn't leave his face.

After he left, the reason why we went to my house in the first place suddenly came to me and i looked back seeing my mom's journal laying at the far side of the bed but if there is anything the little fight we fought taught me was that i was indeed born under the new moon and that attack wasn't coincidental.
I walked out into the living room seeing my friends lounging after rummaging through my fridge.

"Hey you guys, how're you doing?" I asked sitting next to timothy opposite adrien and xavier.

"Well, we are better"

"I honestly don't remember much of what happened, but i guess it was good since we're alive" adrien said chuckling.

"So are you gonna read through your mom's journal?" Claire asked.

"I don't think i need to"i said with a downward glance.

"Well do what suits you darling" adrien said cuddling xavier.

"Well I'm gonna step out and hopefully go for a walk" i said grabbing my jacket before stepping out.

Seeing as the halls we're empty it seems everyone has gone to bed, it just made it easy for me to walk around without being seen by anyone.

Stepping outside, there was a slight chill in the air. it wasn't the normal chill, it was induced with magic i could feel it.

I closed my eyes and focused on the weird energy enveloping the school and it led me to the forest at its center.

Hearing muffled voices made me hide in the nearest bush to avoid being seen.
What i saw made my whole body freeze for reasons unknown.
In the midst of a fire were people drawing symbols and signs with salt on the earth, some were reciting an incantation with glowing daggers.

I watched in horror six of them stabbed themselves, the blood forming a circle around the symbols,
I tried to listen closer to the incantation but i ended up shuffling the bush and everything went dead silent.
I kept praying they don't realize anything strange and come to investigate but something worse happened.

A dagger went hurtling for the bush i was hiding in and out of instinct i ducked out of the way and it landed on the bark of the tree behind me.
One of the people i couldn't see their face since they were cloaked came cautiously to the bush and i closed my eyes thinking about being in my room, the comforts if my bed,

I opened my eyes and a wave of relief engulfed me as i was standing infront of my dorm room.
It seems i teleported out of fear of being caught and i didn't waste time, i raced for head master Harry's office.

As i got there the door was slightly opened and i could hear voices, out of curiosity i decided to listen.

"That attack wasn't out of coincidence, that number of rogues and demons couldn't have been in the human world, unless..."

"They we're summoned"

"My mate was attacked, i saw what happened because i was there, they were always targeting her"

"I know that Dominic, you don't have to spell it out for me"

Dominic, that name sounds i know who that is.....

"She my mate, i don't want anything to happen to her, i just found her"

"I understand"

"No you don't, she the luna of my pack ...she needs to be protected by her pack, my Alexandra"

Alexandra,that's me...luna...pack...mate...


Adrien once told me that xavier was his mate, it's a shifter thing...he didn't tell me anything else..

"What the hell is going on?" I yelled as i burst through the slightly opened door with a scowl on my face.
I looked at the two men who looked like deers caught in headlights.

"Well?" I asked with one raised brow..

A/N: hope you like it...

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