Chapter 5-Preparations Pt.1

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A/N: long chapter ahead of us.....

Hope you enjoy it.


"It's the arrival of the New Moon" xavier answered.

"What is that..... what does that mean?" Alexandra asked as she faced the moon


Alexandra's POV

Honestly, it's been overwhelming since what Timothy shared about the New Moon, he called it.

But, the thrill of school starting was gaining more of my attention, the thought of seeing others like me apart from my brother, friends and the head master, it's unbelievable,
But what was shared that day is daunting.


"What is that..... what does that mean?", I asked as i faced the moon.

"It's the New Moon, well its the one phase of the moon whereby all the powers of supernaturals are amplified, more like increased," we were now sitting at lounge side of the library waiting for timothy to continue.

"Well history says, that was the time that Selene, our moon goddess had her final ascension towards godhood, thus we under the new moon are amplified though for only one night, it does leave a mark....more like a trace for those worthy of course, but it drives supernatural nuts." Claire said as she stared at her ridiculously perfect, manicured nails.

"So in one definition, its the one phase of the moon where people like us go completely ballistic" Zachary said worriedly.

"If this is true,why aren't you guys panicking, like seriously?" I asked looking at them nervously.

"Well, there are specific supernaturals that we should be worried about, but the school has taken measures to prevent student from getting harmed and to lighten up the mood the school hosts a grand ball, it's one of the main event of the year" timothy said with a faint smile.

"Which supernaturals and what measures?" I asked plainly.

"Well it's believed that on that night that the first new moon occured the werewolves were out since it was also a full moon causing them to shift one way or the other, then the vampires more like the newborns, couldn't hunt in the day... they were also out that night and the siren, mermaids, water nymphs generally all the water supernaturals since they are not protected by houses whatsoever, they were victims to the raw power of the new moon, which literally drove them crazy" timothy said with a sigh.

"When you mean them going crazy in what way exactly?" My brother said.

" Oh, trust me you don't want to be near a siren in particular on the night of a new moon" xavier said seriously.

" But, Claire's a siren" i said.

"Half one, I'm also a mage but it doesn't matter, i still feel the effect, just that it's reduced because of my mage side" Claire said.

"On the other hand, an unstable siren under the new moon is as cataclysmic as it is having you, alex here under the same moon"xavier said, seriously.

"What do u mean?" I asked firing up my defenses.

"I mean you're more than a regular witch, more than you think....why do you think your kind of witches were looked down on?, It's because you guys are more difficult to control during some cosmic events,
The new moon is one of them, talking less of the blood moon, lunar eclipse, the river styx all have a connection to your creation and gave your ancestor a butt load of power, which made them threatening to the eyes of others"Xavier answered more confidently.

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