Chapter 23- Growing Feelings

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Alexandra's POV

I was never one for romance, walks, holding hands, watching movies and the rest but in a span of three days i have done that and more.

Dominic and i went for walks, went to the movies and we even got drunk together which led to me waking up with his hands wrapped around my waist, though we didn't have sex...yet.

I never pictured him in a romantic setting but he kept surprising me and honestly i have fallen for him badly, sometimes it scares me.

Touching my lips with a smile, though after all this i haven't forgotten our first kiss.


"Stop me" he said again.

"I don't want to"i whispered back.

He smiled and crashed our lips together, i responded immediately wrapping my arms around his neck and bringing him unbelievably closer,

It was like the sparks intensified making my body hum with pleasure, his tongue tickled my lips asking for entrance but me being me i refused.

Taking it as a challenge, grabbed my waist with one hand and pinched with the second making me jump and gasp.
My gasp giving him the opportunity to explore my mouth, he groaned while i bit back my moan, the kiss was getting heated and i was loving every feeling it brought,

The feeling multiplied that i wasn't aware i wasn't on land anymore till Dominic and i plopped into the pond

I kept asking myself did he do it purposely or was i so engrossed in the kiss that I didn't notice.

The sea nymphs didn't scatter infact they multiplied seeing our falling into the water as a game, they started jumping out of the water and diving back into the water.
The glow of the water increased and in the midst of it all was my mate, dominic stood there with a smile pointed at me, he looked ethereal with his silver eyes reflecting the glow of the water, the breath was knocked out of me, he was the epitome of beauty and I don't know how that made me feel.

Seeing my dying mood, he walked up to me, more like gliding, he looked down at me, his eyes full of emotion, touching my cheek.
The coldness of his fingers made me shiver, the way he touched me made me feel like a porcelain doll, like i could break but he didn't want to let go.

He held me close and our lips met in another searing hot kiss, i shuddered but this one was short.

"Now we have to get back" i whispered still catching my breath.

"Indeed we have to" he said leading me out of the water like a queen.


Though we had kissed again i could never forget our first.

"Hey, earth to osiris" claire said snapping her fingers in my face, which made me scowl seeing as she interrupted my daydream.

"What" i asked.

"You were thinking about him again weren't you?" She asked accusingly.

I couldn't hold the blush that bloomed on my face but that was the only answer she needed for her to squeal.

"Only one date and you're swooning over him" adrien said with a smirk.

"Like you're any better" i retorted but he just waved me off.

"So you really like him, huh?" Timothy asked.

"I think i do" i said.

"Well we're with you no matter what"xavier said wrapping his arms around adrien and myself but was interrupted by a growl.

We all looked at Dominic growling possessively while shooting daggers at xavier and the arm he has around me,
I didn't even know how he entered the room without us knowing.

Xavier removed his hand, raising it up surrendering,

"Chill man, I'm mated" he said going to stand near adrien.

Dominic calmed down and walked over to me as my friends left the room, leaving us alone.


"How are you b?" He asked as he wrapped his hands around me, hugging me.

"I'm fine" i reassured whilst returning the hug, finding comfort.

Drawing his hands back he looked at me from head to toe, i felt self conscious in my tank top and shorts but the growing hunger in his eyes led a different story.

"Stop staring" i snapped before hitting his bicep.

"I can't, sorry... I can't wait for you to bear my mark on that neck of yours" he grumbled, whispering the last part.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing, training with mael starts in a few minutes, he said we've spent enough time together...if i was you I'd start getting ready" he said seriously.

"Ok thanks" i said turning to my closet to look for anything that could be used to train.

Turning around to see dominic still in the room shuffling around whilst giving me the puppy dog eyes.

I groaned realizing the situation I'm in. Giving him a glare, i walked up to him and kissed him smack on the lips, turning before he could grab me and pushing him out of the room.

After freshening up i settled for black bra top, cargo pants and combat boots whilst doing corn rows with my hair.

I walked out of the house, not without taking a jacket knowing that dominic will kill any male who looks my way without it,
Strolling down the path towards the training field, people smiled, waved even bowed to me, all which i responded with a smile and nod.
Being in this pack has been a game changer for me, they are easy going as they are ruthless, they're training schedule is cruel but they adapted to it which makes me admire them the more.

Seeing dominic afar off, i walked towards him tapping him just to see Katherine hail trying her best to draw his attention, whilst showing him her cleavage.

"Don't you have better things to do than to seduce my mate"i said loudly making sure everyone heard.

"Don't you have other places to be" she retorted with a scowl.

My eyes flashed red but i reined down my anger, "Infact i do" i said grabbing dominic hands, dragging him away.

I didn't have time to fight with that God forsaken hybrid so my best option was to ignore but that will be the only time.

Walking with dominic, more like dragging him, we changed direction, heading towards the arena which was used by the pack for mass celebration and competitions.

"We really have to work on your senses" Mael said startling me but dominic remained unfazed.

Closing his massive wings after landing, he walked over to us, his blue eyes scrutinizing.

"But her magic output is impressive" i turned to face two identical red eyes.


I noticed after seeing the fangs.
The girl stood with a stoic expression while the boy stood with a smirk gracing his defined features.

"This is Enzo and Idris, twin vampires, they are here to help with your training" mael said with a dubious smile filling me with dread.

A/N: Finally training begins, let's see how it goes...

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