Chapter 22- First date Pt.2

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Alexandra's POV

When you're having fun, it's hard to notice how fast time flies.
Dominic and i arrived at this restaurant a while ago and it was nice.

We talked, laughed, fooled around, flirted whilst eating the food he ordered for us.
I wasn't surprised when he said he already knew what i would have ordered as i stumbled upon him interrogating claire on the subject.

Before now the idea of the supernatural world seemed so foreign and unbelievable but looking now, at my friends, family and dare i say mate, I welcomed it.

I had gotten to know a lot about dominic within the time we spent here,
He love art, his pack and family.

Before his pack he wanted to be a bar owner which i rolled my eyes to,
He loved painting and drawing, felt more connected to the forest and ocean,
He and ethan joined a band during high school,
Being an alpha meant being strong for your pack, but whenever he lost one of his pack mates either in a war of murder, it breaks him.

In turn i told him all there is to know about me even if it wasn't much.

"Penny for your thoughts?" He asked seeing the content smile on my face.

"Just liking how much fun I'm having"i answered.

"Well, i am having fun too"  he said which i answered with a hmm.

"Let's go pay the bill" he said standing up with an outstretched hand to me.

Taking his hand, we are walked over to the nearest waitress.

"Heyy, we'll like the bill" i said but was completely ignored by the waitress.

"Heyy, what would you like?" She slurred twirling her hair around her fingers, biting her lips and bending slightly so her cleavage is in sight all while eye raping my mate.

The amount of anger that coursed through me made my power spike and I'm sure every supernatural felt it.

"Excuse you, didn't you hear me...i said we'll like the bill"i said with a chilling voice.

I looked at her and noticed, she was human but that didn't give her the right to try and seduce my mate.
I closed my eyes briefly not wanting her to see my glowing eyes.

She looked at me with a scowl which i returned with mine and she gave us the bill and walked away not without brushing dominic slightly.
I looked at her intently with one thought in my mind.

Right in front of everyone she tripped, crashing into another waiter who was carrying kitchen waste out and it literally covered her whole body, she tried getting up twice but landed on her ass.

I couldn't wipe off the smirk on my face. Turning around i was met with dominic's sly smile which he covered with an innocent look.

"Sorry, is that jealousy i smell?" He taunted to which i hit his arm and walked out not without saying goodbye to sherry.

"We should come here next time" i suggested in a whisper.

"Next time huh?, i like the sound of that" he said as he started the car.

"The spell?" I asked and he nodded.

"Singuinum portales"


We didn't take the same route coming back, this was deeper into the forest.
After taking a right dominic stopped infront of a clearing.

"C'mon we aren't taking the car" he said getting out.

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