Chapter 19- Your past, My introduction Pt.2

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Nothing but darkness, as far as the eyes could light whatsoever.
Alexandra screamed for someone anyone the more time so spent, the more crazed she felt.
Then, right in front of her, a golden orb appeared not completely overcoming the darkness but giving her a sense of comfort.

Around the gold orbs, white orbs appeared as well surrounding the golden orb then with that, a golden barrier encase the golden orb and the white.
She didn't know what it meant and she couldn't take her eyes off. Then black orbs with purple swirling in its middle, surrounded the barrier in mass numbers but one stood out,
It was completely black.
What caught her attention was the sound of a crack, she looked at the white orbs and found out that one was indeed cracking, its light flickering.

From the black orb, red searing smoke oozed out of it and like a snake it slithered into the barrier, black claw like tendrils came out of it and latched onto the cracked white orb.
The smoke seeped into the cracks and out of it black spread.
It swallowed the orb and another black orb was formed.

Just then the temperature dropped excessively, her breath frosted over shivers were running through her and all she could do was wrap her hands around herself,
Just then the whole thing shattered, like a shattered mirror, it collapsed leaving a forest in the midst of a raging storm.

She turned back and there was a girl around twelve with red hair and even though her face couldn't be seen her purple glowing eyes were very much visible.

"Don't be fooled, not all are as they seem" she said boldly but it was like man and woman talking at the exact same time and same words, it unnerved her.

"What do you mean?"

"Trust no one but one" she said, unwavering.


The name popped into her head after the girl spoke.

She wanted to walk up to the girl but the earth gave way and she fell.

And kept falling until she hit water.

Dream ends...

Third person's POV

Alexandra sprang up from the bed sweating like she just ran marathon.
As she gasped for breath everything was put in place,

She is the golden orb...

Her friends are the white, the people she trusts...

The dark orbs are the bad people and one of those bad people are now her friends...

She jumped from the bed upon seeing the time , it was and hour to her introduction. She took another bath, called adrien to do her make up, and wore her dress,

A navy blue gown with glitters and diamonds with golden intricate,  it was an impromptu gift from the luna.
Looking at the body length mirror in the room, she couldn't recognize herself but with a smile she left upon hearing the event starting.

Walking through the hallway leading to the grand hall of the pack, her nerves spiked.
As she passed people who weren't inside already looked at her in awe and the guards bowed, rounding the corner she stopped seeing who was coming,

"Jack, you are you?" She said hugging her teacher.

"I'm fine..... alexandra, and yes i came, i wouldn't miss this for the world" he said.

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