Chapter 14- Choices

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Alexandra's POV

It was getting really hard not to yell at the two men seated before me so i settled for ice cold glare.
After barging into the office i decided to hear them out before taking any action. I honestly do not have a definite reason as to why i was so angry but i didn't care.

"What's a mate?" I asked plainly.

"A mate is the other part of one's soul" harry said after struggling for the right words.


"When the goddess creates us, she splits the soul of one person and gives the other half to another, so they are destined to find each other and be one forever" harry continued.

"So i am his mate? I thought that was a shifter thing, I'm not supposed to have a mate....right?"

As i said that, the guy that was starting to drive me crazy started coughing and groaning slightly.

I gave him a worried glance but it was wiped away when i remembered the situation we were in.
Harry gave him a sad smile.

After trying to think of any other reason as to why i was feeling these wave of emotion, it was starting to make sense.
How i couldn't take my eyes off of him, how i would blush madly when he was looking right at me, how i would be at loss of words when he spoke to me, how i would grow hot when he touched me , the sparks and tingles that all made sense.

Standing up abruptly and pacing the room was the only thing i could do, i feared if i used an ounce of my power i would explode.

"Yes you aren't a shifter, but the goddess doesn't make mistakes in these matters, there's a reason as to why she paired us, maybe we could find out together"

"I don't even know your name" i yelled, crazed.

"It's Dominic, Dominic du lac" he said letting out another groan as if he was in pain, a whimper left my mouth and i was frozen in shock.
It's like he is in control of my body, it gave me all the reason to be angry.

"What do you mean by I'm the luna of your pack?"

"You are the luna as i am alpha" that left me shell shocked.

Of course if there is anyone i am mated to, it will be an alpha.

"Y'know i keep wondering how my life has drastically changed so fast i can hardly keep track of what's going on anymore...i came here wanting to tell you how i saw people in cloaks doing weird stuff with salt in the forest....hell, one of them threw a dagger right at me only that it missed, and i find out that the person I'm supposed to love has been chosen for me, like i have no say in the matter" i said as i paced, the light's flickering.

"Woah, back up what do you mean by doing weird stuff with salt?" Harry asked cautiously standing up.

"As in they used to salt to draw stuff on the ground like symbols, i don't know and six of them stabbed themselves" i said wondering how the subject had been changed.

"You know what, i can't do this right now" i concluded as i headed for the door completely drained.
The last thing i heard was harry telling Dominic to let me be, at least he understands and i shut the door.

I walked to my dorm seeing adrien in his fox form sprawled out on the bed, his leg twitching slightly.
I tore off my clothes putting on my pyjamas, lying on my bed whilst looking at the stars.

"Wanna talk about it?"

"I thought you were asleep?"

"I was but something woke me up... I don't know, answer me"

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