Chapter 1- Myths and legends

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Alexander's POV

I'm staring at my mirror after taking my bath , purple orbs stare right at me.
I never did feel comfortable with my eyes being purple.
As i was one to not like too much attention, purple eyes brought a hella attention which was why i always wear contacts , green to be exact as that was the eye colour i would have liked.
I turn to the side to look at my red hair which is something i loved so much.
My hair was the exact color of blood, that if i should have blood pour into it you would notice any color change.
And the best part was that it cascaded down my back to my waist in unnatural waves, it was hard to find any knot in them that's why i loved it.
Though it did make me stand out as no other in my family has my hair color not even my grandparents, but it doesn't matter to me most time i convinced people it was dyed the exact color.

I'm Alexander Maar Osiris, i just turned eighteen a week ago and honestly since then i would wake up in anticipation like something was gonna happen today more than the others it made me jumpy and hyperactive.
I live with my mom Renesme and brother Zachary my dad died a long time ago, so i really didn't know him and sometimes it didn't matter to me.

I looked through my closet and settled for an all black and purple theme today meaning a short purple and black checkered skirt, a baggy black jacket with a white crop top and finally a net socks and my signature boots.
Settling for a natural make up as it didn't need much to show how beautiful i am.

Cocky much? I know right

I was going to school alone since Zachary had left early and my mom off to work.

At school......

I got off my cab and strapped my bag in and headed towards my boring ass school Oakhill high.

Even the name sounds boring......

Scanning the school to look for my friends, which wasn't that hard as i felt them trying to sneak up in me, I don't know how but i always do.

"You guys, really have to stop trying to sneak up on me... honestly its getting old" i said loudly with a smirk making them all groan which in turn made me giggle.
"We try so hard yet you always know its so frustrating" Xavier mumbled with a fake pout.

"Xander your eyes, did you forget your contacts?"Claire said as she and my friends noticed my purple eyes, they knew i really didn't like it though they always told me how beautiful it was and how it suited me.

"I'm just winging it today, i dont really care, though the contact were making my eyes itch"i said with a sigh.

"We have to get to class before we're late" timothy my always serious brute said as a matter of fact.
"Who got a stick up his ass?" Claire asked as she came to my side.
"But his right I'll see u guys later at lunch hours" i said hurriedly as i raced for class.


Lunch hours......

Third person's POV

Alexander walked into the large cafeteria which was the only upside of the school she thought,
Everyone that got close to her was in awe as her purple eyes were so vibrant it drew in the attention of everyone in the cafeteria, she searched for her friends as she had already filled her plate.
As she spotted her friends and was about to move in their direction she was stopped.

"Xander, I've asked you out so many times...why won't you just go out with i that bad" Corey the insufferable jock that kept on pestering Alexander grabbed on her arm which angered her a little bit but she could feel something clawing its way through her.

"As a matter of fact ,yes corey you are that bad, you're a bully and a very bad person altogether so unhand me this instant"she gritted out with clenched teeth.
Being called a bully spiked anger within corey as his hands began to tighten rapidly around Alexander's.

"Ugh....corey you're hurting me get your hands off." Alexander said she wasn't asking she was demanding but it didn't faze corey as he continued his assault which in turn made something snap within her.

Timothy's POV

Something changed... something definitely did change, xander stopped moving and i could feel it.
I think most of the supernaturals in this school could feel the waves of untamed anger flowing through xandra.
Her head shot up at rapid speed and i saw it.
Her eyes were glowing as she stared at Corey.
One minute corey was holding her the next he was on the schools floor screaming so loudly the pain that mixed with it could be felt miles away.

And at that moment i understood what was happening,
Xander had unleashed some of her power unconsciously and directed it at corey.
It turned all of his mental pain into physical pain which according to Corey's file he has a lot of.
Xander doubled his pain to the extent that Corey had started clawing at his own skin drawing blood,
If this went on for long corey was gonna die and from what i was seeing Xander was unrelenting, if only that was xandra
I was about to run to xandra but Xavier understanding the situation beat me to it but Claire and i followed him.
He grabbed Xandra which made her snap out of it stoping the while situation from escalating.

"Xander, look at me you're ok.... you're ok" xavier whispered as he hugged her.
"" xander kept repeating like mantra,
"Xander what's wrong?" Claire asked
"Something is wrong something is very wrong" she whispered but we all heard it.
Then she took off running,
"Get Zachary....Now"i shouted at Claire out of instinct which made her run for the boy.

As xavier and i followed Xander the sky something went wrong,
It was like time took speed as the more distance we covered the more it got until it was night.
This all led to xandra's house where she flung the door open and stopped dead in her tracks.

The sight was gruesome....
Xanders mothers blood was scattered across their living room and all her innards and blood were smeared into a text on the wall,

We know who you are

It was like the calm before the storm
Right under it Renesme head lay with her body burnt to a crisp.

One minute of silence until all hell broke loose,
Xander let out a soul wrenching scream.
And so it began....

A/N: find out what happened in the house in chapter 2

This story is off to a good start
I hope u like it

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