Chapter 24- Training

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Third person's POV

Looking at the twins, she was out of words.

Why would vampires help me...

She kept asking herself but being here she had read on a lot of  supernaturals and the fact about them,
She knew werewolves and vampires never see eye to eye. So the fact that dominic isn't threatened by them means they are good.

"Hello it's nice to meet you" she said sheepishly.

"The pleasure is all mine" Enzo taking her hand, brought it to his lips for a kiss but he just sniffed it.

She could tell dominic didn't like that, feeling his body heat increase and hearing the growl he tries hard to cover.

Idris just gave her a stiff nod and turned, looking at mael.

"So, Idris and Enzo here will be training you on close combat, i hear you have been trained on the basics while being here but they will take you on another level" mael said with a smirk.

Dominic growled realizing mael meant something else by the last statement and alexandra tried her best not to burst out laughing.

"So what will you be teaching me?" I asked after comporting myself.

"You're a witch, i consider myself a master in witchcraft and magic so i will be training you on those" he said puffing out his wings.

Walking to the middle of the arena, mael's eyes glowed and the symbols on his hands also glowed eluding a dangerous amount of magic.

He spread out his wings before placing his hands on the floor of the arena, purple energy pulsed out of his hands, covering the whole arena, going up and i realized what he was doing.

"We are gonna have one hell of training so this barrier i made will absorb any magic the threatens to break it, a precaution as you are a salem witch and i am an angel" he said plainly while taking off his jacket.

"Why can't i just train her?" Dominic whined.

"I prefer someone who won't mix feelings with training" mael said snapping his fingers, immediately Dominic was outside the barrier banging on it like a maniac.

"Heyy, let me back in" he yelled.

"Do you want me to train her or not?" Mael snapped.

With a hmph he sat down on one of the arena benches to spectate.


Alexandra's POV

To say training was hectic would be and understatement.
All my muscles are screaming and aching, i could barely feel my legs and i had black spot dancing around my vision.

We had started with close combat which led to me sparring with Idris, let's just say that petite frame can really land a punch.
Enzo stood at the sidelines cheering for me whenever i landed a punch.

Though sparring was painful, she managed to teach me a lot during the span of three hours and the other times i just copied her technique.

Dominic now heaving after trying to claw down the barrier when idris put me in a headlock.
It was funny and scary looking at his glowing eyes and claws.
Looking around, the arena was full of debris from the energy delivered which each punch landed, that was one of the techniques idris taught me.

Seeing mael step forward, i knew it was time for magic training.
With my last energy, i limped forward looking crazed and ragged.

He looked at me plainly before walking over to me, placing on hand on my shoulder.


He muttered and before my eyes, my wounds and cuts healed, closed leaving no trace, i was filled with so much energy i could run a marathon twice.

"Wow" i whispered.

"Can't have you fainting during training now, can we?" The way he said it made dread feel me.

"Sit" he commanded to which i obliged.

Sitting in front of me he placed his hands on my temples closing his eyes while muttering spells in a foreign language.

One minute i was fine, the next i felt sucked back, like i was falling through an endless depth but when i opened my eyes i was still sitting though, the environment was different.

Everywhere was white and the space was too voluminous,
I stood up walking, hoping to find something anything but to no avail, i even tried calling Dominic but it seemed like i was in another world altogether.

"No one can hear you," i turned seeing mael in the same clothes but his hair was flaming and his eyes had an electric look to it, he looked to be in his element.

"What do you mean?, where are we?" I asked walking towards him cautiously.

"See it like an assimilation, in reality we are sitting inside the barrier in your mates territory, but in truth we are in your head" he explained shrugging.

"What are we doing in my head?" I asked looking around again.

"To be honest, it was hard finding  the perfect place, but we are here because you need to find balance, control and you wouldn't find that through physical activities like sparring, it's all in your head"

I responded with a nod,

"And to find balance you need to really accept who you are, both the bad and good, find a light through your darkness"he said staring at me intensely.

"And how, pray tell, do i do that?" I asked with an attitude.

"Sit and close your eyes, empty your thoughts"

I did what he said, whilst sitting, focusing on my breathing to even it out, his voice penetrated my thoughts, i couldn't only hear him outside but inside my head.

"Feel the energy around you, feel the hum, not only seeing it but visualize it, see it flowing around find your essence, your source, your core and merge with it" he said in my head.

I focused on the power around me seeing it's golden and purple glow wrap around me protectively. It was mesmerizing, i reached forward and touched it and immediately darkness bled through everything.

Instead of panicking, i felt at peace in the darkness, feeling the radiant energy around me, i walked over to the centre where a visible ball of energy pooped out from.

It was an array of colors but four were more, red, purple and gold.
The red and black was wrapping around the orb like a blanket.
The energy around it was bubbling, calling out to me.

Rushing to it, i was pushed back by an invisible force, this happened three times until i focused on it, evening my breathing, calling unto it, forcing it to obey...and it did.

Black and red tendrils slithered out of it and snaked around me, i felt a building sensation i had never felt before.
I walked to it, the pushing force giving way and i touched it, merging with it.

Opening my eyes i looked around, seeing people had gathered around the barrier, but they were unimportant,

I looked at my hands seeing marks and symbols littered on my skin, they were glowing silver,
My body hummed, pulsed with magic more concentrated within my fingertips, begging to be let out.

A smile graced my featured as i saw most people around me bowing in submission.




I've never felt more alive...

A/N: Again things are getting more interesting*smirk*...

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