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A few minutes later, Anabia came into the room after finishing her own phone call. She seemed like she had something important to tell Sarah. Sarah, curious and eager to know, asked, "What is it, Anabia?"

Anabia didn't waste any time and quickly shared the truth, "Actually, I've known all along that Rehan has always loved you. That day when Samiha came, it wasn't my plan. I didn't even know she was coming. In fact, Rehan asked me to bring you to him. He begged me. He loves you, Sarah."

Anabia continued, "I told him about your engagement, but he said he wouldn't pursue anything if you didn't love him back. He wanted to respect your feelings."

Sarah listened carefully, feeling shocked and speechless. "What?" Sarah said, unable to believe what she had just heard.

Kashan was really surprised when he overheard Sarah and her friend talking on the phone about Sarah getting married to Rehan. Sarah forgot to end the call and realized that Kashan was still on the line, but luckily the call had already ended. She worried that he might have heard everything, but he didn't.

Sarah's cousins gathered at her house, their worried expressions mirroring their concern for her. Laiba, the outspoken one, couldn't help but voice her thoughts. "Guys, did you all also notice? Sarah isn't happy with this marriage," she said, her tone filled with genuine worry.

Areeba, always the optimist, chimed in, "But she should be happy that she's marrying the love of her life, right?"

Haania, their sister in law, offered a different perspective. "Maybe the situation is different, and we shouldn't jump to conclusions. We should give Sarah some space and support her."

Zaidan, who had been wondering about Kashan, couldn't help but wonder about his whereabouts. "I'm wondering about Kashan. Where do you think he is? It's been two years since we last saw him," he pondered aloud.

Inaya, the observant one, recalled, "I think he's in New York. We haven't seen him or his family around the neighborhood since then." Her words hung in the air, a reminder of the connection between Kashan and Sarah that had been left unfulfilled.

Laiba, her voice filled with longing, softly added, "He looked so good with Sarah. I wish they could have ended up together. Did he move on?"


In a bustling office in New Delhi, Kashan sat at his desk, his fingers typing away on the keyboard. His mind wandered, drifting back to memories of Sarah. He couldn't help but wonder if she was truly happy with her decision. The news of her impending marriage had reached him. It had hit him hard, shattering the fragile hope he had held onto.

Kashan's father came into his cabin and asked, "Aan?" Kashan looked at his dad and replied, "Come on, dad, not again. I'm not in the mood to get married. Just tell mom to stop these tricks. I'll get married when I want to, but not now, please." He then went back to focusing on his work. Helpless, his dad left the room.

Nazia's anger boiled over as she exclaimed, "This girl has ruined my son's life!" Her voice trembled with frustration and resentment. Ever since she discovered Sarah's love for Rehan, Nazia's dislike for her had grown into full-blown hatred. She couldn't help but hold Sarah responsible for her son's behavior, blaming her for his inability to move on.

In Nazia's eyes, Sarah had become the symbol of her son's heartbreak and emotional turmoil. She believed that Sarah's presence in his life was the reason he couldn't let go of their past. The mere thought of Sarah ignited a fire of anger within Nazia, fueling her disdain for the girl who had captured her son's heart.


Humaira was upset as she spoke to her mother, Ayesha. She said, "Ammi, why don't you understand? Kashan means a lot to me. He's not just some rich guy, he's the person I love." She felt hurt and frustrated.

Ayesha, looking angry, replied, "Humaira, that's enough! You can't keep chasing after Kashan. There are better options for you." She seemed disappointed but determined.

Tears filled Humaira's eyes as she pleaded, "But Ammi, you don't get it. We broke up Kashan's marriage with Sarah so he could be with me. It's been two years, and I still haven't found him. I don't even know where he is." She sounded desperate and longed to be with him.

Ayesha's anger flared up, and she slapped Humaira's cheek. "I said enough!" she shouted. "From now on, you will marry someone I choose."

Humaira's tears flowed freely now, and her heart ached from her mother's rejection. She sobbed, "Ammi, today you made me realize that you value money more than my happiness. I thought you wanted what's best for me, but now I see I was wrong." She felt sad and couldn't believe what had happened.

With those words, Humaira turned and left, feeling broken and defeated. She walked with heavy steps, lost in her thoughts. The guilt of her actions weighed heavily on her, as she had pushed away her family and caused pain to her cousins.

Seeking solace outside, Humaira dropped to her knees, crying and praying. "Ya Allah, what have I done?" she pleaded. "I've ruined everything. I took Kashan away from Sarah, but I couldn't have him for myself. Instead, I've earned the hatred of my own family. Everyone despises me. No one wants to see me. Even my own mother has let me down. I was so wrong. I made such a big mistake."


Kashan's teary eyes welled up as he pondered, "Maybe I've been mistaken all along. Sarah never truly embraced me as her fiancé. It seems like I've always been caught in the middle of Sarah and Rehan. But if that's what brings her happiness, maybe I should step back and stop talking to her." A wave of jealousy and sorrow washed over him, tugging at his heartstrings.

Kashan's thoughts were interrupted by a knock on his door. "Sir, may I come in?" his P.A. asked. He snapped out of his trance and motioned for the P.A. to enter. "Sure, come in," he replied. The P.A. informed him that a client had arrived for a meeting. "Alright, I'll be right there. You go ahead," Kashan said, quickly putting on his coat before heading out to attend the meeting.

Humaira's heart was heavy with sorrow as tears streamed down her face. Lost in her own thoughts, she felt a gentle tap on her shoulder, causing her to quickly wipe away her tears and look up. To her surprise, it was Sarah standing there, her face filled with concern.

"Humaira?" Sarah called out, her voice filled with worry. Humaira's heart skipped a beat at the sight of her cousin.Gathering her emotions, she managed to utter Sarah's name. "What happened? Are you okay?" Sarah asked, her genuine concern evident in her voice.

Unable to contain her anguish any longer, Humaira burst into tears once again. Through her sobs, she managed to speak the words that had been weighing heavily on her conscience. "Sarah, I am really sorry. I know it's all because of me that your marriage broke with Kashan, and it's because of me and Ammi that you are getting married to Rehan."

The words hung in the air, shocking Sarah to her core. She stood there, stunned by the sudden revelation from Humaira.

She continued to burst out her feelings, her voice filled with anguish and remorse. "I have realized that I have not just hurt you, but I've also lost all my relationships. It feels like everyone hates me. No one wants to see my face. And why wouldn't they? After all, I did so much wrong to you. Even my own mother proved me wrong. I thought she wanted my happiness, but it turns out all she cares about is money. I feel consumed by guilt. Please, if it's possible, forgive me. I know I don't deserve it, but please try to find it in your heart to forgive me."

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